Dialectic trumps Rhetoric.

Rhetoric is a lie. Rhetoric has always been a lie. It will always be a lie. It is about using language and emotion to discount facts, logic and common sense.

The best thing to do when people get rhetorical is tune out. Yes, we are not listening. When you start talking sense we will listen again. You can call be sexist or racist… but that just is a signal to switch channels.

I’m not responsible for your frustration. If you want the problem solved, move to fact based discourse: use dialectic.

Well, let’s take that logic and run with it (although feminists insist logic itself is sexist, of course). If a woman’s “never” is hyperbolical and emotive, and at root untrue, and is targeted at expressing feelings and producing sympathy rather than conveying information, then what happens when a society becomes feminized in its style of public discourse?

Obvious: we lose control of the facts, and start to make claims that are focused on producing sympathy with our feelings about things. When we don’t get our sympathy, we get more and more shrill. We care less and less about the facts and we find the resistance greater; and we become more and more acrimonious that we are not managing to elicit the kind of heartfelt response we think we deserve. Eventually, we are making factually outrageous statements — outright lies, really — in a more and more desperate attempt to get the sympathetic support we feel we so desperately need from everyone. Truth goes right down the hole, and we stop caring at all about the relationship between manifest fact and our claims.

And eventually, of course, we fly into a hissy fit and capitulate to the women’s greatest fault, which is spite. Simmering spite is a woman’s greatest vice, just as violence is a man’s. If anything, the spite is more heartfelt, determined and long-lasting, though the violence may be more overtly and instantly damaging.

SJW’s are spite freaks. And it’s because they can never elicit enough sympathy to satisfy them, because in order to do so they must overcome a larger and larger body of obvious, contrary facts. Nowadays, our whole public discourse style is based on the exercises of emotive lie-telling, and a feminine distain for factuality.

SJW’s NEVER tell the truth. That’s man language. A woman’s is emotive hyperbole.

Not all the time. Look, Rhetoric is fun. Ignoring it is even more fun. You can wind up your spouse brilliantly… and two masters at this, knowing the game, is funny.

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Rhetoric, however, solves nothing. It does not allow for dispassionate analysis. It cannot be used to plan. It cannot acknowledge negative feedback, and try to improve it. Because Rhetoric is emotional, is personal… and is about winning, not solving.

Cultures that practice rhetoric boast a lot but achieve little. Cultures that analyze and fix things succeed.

Choose, therefore, how you will educate your young: for once the emotions have cleared, the problem remains.

2 thoughts on “Dialectic trumps Rhetoric.

  1. It is rare that I thoroughly disagree with you (even when on Papist matters). But I couldn’t disagree more with this one. False rhetoric is a lie. Because falsity, not because rhetoric. And anyway dialectical reasoning is a rhetorical device. Reason is often ruled by passions. Sometimes Often, pure reason is not enough. Enter true rhetoric.

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