Now we are not young.

When I was young I would give and support those who said they needed aid. I was a member, to my shame, of Amnesty International. I supported save the children as well as World Vision. Habitat for Humanity had not made it to NZ. I thought these were good organizations, worthy of support. However, now, … Continue reading Now we are not young.

The virtues of the narrative will kill you.

One of the reasons to read widely is that you will find wisdom even among the degenerate, for we are all made in the image of God. In fact, the self hating degenerate (and Anti Puritan confesses his atheism and bisexuality) are closer to God than the churchians who promote social justice because their self-hatred … Continue reading The virtues of the narrative will kill you.

Christ, not virtue: Life, not death. [Acts 15]

The issues we have within our church are that we spend too much time thinking about behaviour that will not save us and not enough time thinking about those things that will preserve us. We spend too much time thinking that life needs to be deserving. We now know that we should fear this Nanny … Continue reading Christ, not virtue: Life, not death. [Acts 15]

There is no virtue but Christ.

The virtue spirals of this life are but a delusion. You cannot earn your way into the favour of God. Our salvation is costly, for it took the death of a the one perfect man, God incarnate, to atone for my transgressions, let alone yours. The idea that we can somehow show that we are … Continue reading There is no virtue but Christ.

Virtue signalling is not salvation. [Gal 6]

I know the NZ Herald is not what it used to be. It has become a tabloid in size, campaigns, distorts, and thinks it can set the agenda. It used to be the paper of record in NZ. It is not: it is not balanced sufficiently and editorializes when it should be reporting. So excuse … Continue reading Virtue signalling is not salvation. [Gal 6]

The left virtue spiral is a parable. [Mark 4]

I saw that Peter Thatchell had been unplatformed a couple of days ago. I'd worked out he was gay, and thought, meh, another warrior being fed into the machine. Sorry Peter. You are far better than that, and far more interesting, because you have a spine. Peter Tatchell is a thundering nuisance. Self-righteous, hectoring and … Continue reading The left virtue spiral is a parable. [Mark 4]

No prophet from Galilee? [john 6]

THere is an error in my job. It is to prematurely make a diagnosis, before all the information is available. This is quite frustrating for coders and managers, who want everything neatly placed into their boxes, and "pathways of care" for all situations. But the mad do not neatly fit. The problem is not the … Continue reading No prophet from Galilee? [john 6]