The death of Billy Graham shows the methods of the spiritual and the unspiritual.

Overnight, we lost one of the great evangelists of my grandparent's generation. Billy Graham was born at the end of the first war: my parents were born during the depression. He preached to my grandparents: by the time my parents were adults he was running crusades in New Zealand. And he preached the gospel into … Continue reading The death of Billy Graham shows the methods of the spiritual and the unspiritual.

Anathema, Anathema, Anathema.

Theology makes peoples teeth itch. It is deemed offensive. But it is needed. Needed. For without a structure to our belief, we fall into error. What we see as wisdom is instead foolishness. This has led our churches into apostasy, and as Michaelpoulos notes, the presiding Archbishop of the Orthodox Church in America (I hope … Continue reading Anathema, Anathema, Anathema.

The Dangerous Speech Project: a foolish, damaging, and flawed attempt to autocensor.

This is from the Dangerous Speech Project. Who miss the point. The best correction for bad speech is more speech, and the correct response to inflammatory speech is satire, mockery and fisking. The correct response to violence is the law: the systematic use of aggression and violence to keep the peace. This is not for … Continue reading The Dangerous Speech Project: a foolish, damaging, and flawed attempt to autocensor.

Petunia nagging fail [Mt 22]

One of my good friends, the man who recruited me into the job I had, is a skeptic. An old style freethinker. And, it being the time of year it is, he held is Christmas party. His partner, who he met at the skeptics society, had some of her friends, and we had a good … Continue reading Petunia nagging fail [Mt 22]