The genesis of reaction is tribal.

And that is not to say that it is bad. One of the lies of this time is to conflate the culture with progressivism and call that the nation. This is wrong. England was England under the Stuarts, who argued for Divine Rule, and under Cromwell, who did not. It was England under Churchill and Atlee. But it is not England with half the population are not English, which is the case in London — where the waiters in Heathrow, though pleasant, cannot speak English.

This shows the increasing fracture on the left: women encouraged to lead a life of sexual profligacy and childlessness by the cultural commissars are now realizing they have been used. Perhaps they can serve as an example to the next generations. We wish Peisinoe well; maybe her quiverful of children can vote against pro-Islam politicians?

But more to the point is the argument made by one Tucson Geologist. First, we note that there is an explicitly Biblical requirement to care for creation. We prefer the KJV phrasing: “And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.”

What this dominion means is further refined in Genesis 2: “When God placed the first man in the garden of Eden, it was to ‘work it and watch over it’. Adam was commanded to take care of the earth, to fill and cultivate the rest of it following after the example God had given him in the garden.” So we are called to be stewards of creation, meaning an environmental concern is not foreign to the Patriactionary.

In this light, we note what Tucson Geologist said: “I am supposed to care deeply about global warming and how it will adversely affect our environment in 100-150 years. But I am not supposed to think about how a large Muslim population will affect our civic culture in 100-150 years?”

And there is a logic so clear as to be breathtaking. As reactionaries, we aren’t trying to preserve the knowledge inherent in ancient ways of doing things. Rather, we are engaged in fighting Cultural Climate Change.

The way we raise the next generation, and the people we let in, will define the nation. And in a Christian Theocracy such as England. to let in the foreign and the worshippers of a strange God is at least wrong, if not treason to the tribe.