Brian Tamaki is correct, so shall be punished.

The NZ herald has a campaign going against Brian Tamaki. He preached before the last earthquake on the nature of such natural disasters as a sign of God's punishment, his iniquity. In it he discussed how Christchurch had been a corrupt city, how its MP had campaigned for Gay marriage, and that it had a … Continue reading Brian Tamaki is correct, so shall be punished.

The future is God’s [Malachi 4]

I have a bunch of friends who reassure me that the USA is still reasonable and sane. Then I have the people I know in real life who are Americans, most of whom are either melting down or think that the NSDAP have come down. All the evidence is that Trump is a nationalist, not … Continue reading The future is God’s [Malachi 4]

Honour your father.

It appears that the grandfather of the boys is now ill and in hospital. While we were finishing up the house, Son one was on the phone talking to his mother and son two and I organized for them to visit so that they can sort out what is happening. They leave tomorrow, and won't … Continue reading Honour your father.