Churchian fear [I Tim 4]

One of the reasons that there is much horror in the media is that their safe and soft conservatives, driven by fear, have lost the people. Their compromises are not seen as useful. Their management of the nation and congregation has caused too many compromises. And why they say that all is peace and prosperity, I see shops closed and more homeless.

And marriage being an excuse for status display, not a covenant that commences a life together. There is a fear of talking about any sexual immorality but p0rn, (and that does not include various perverted novels that have been read, gleefully, mainly by girls).

Our leaders are without testes and a spine. And their message is poison. They need to be confronted.

Not in haste, but no one has been hasty. For the storm is upon us, and these people will break.


There are some obvious poor leaders. The ‘youth minister’ who decides to invade a stage and do a rap for Bernie Sanders: the lesbian partners who destroy congregations, the liberals who look at diversity and not the gospel.

The rot is deeper.

Let the elders who rule well be considered worthy of double honor, especially those who labor in preaching and teaching. For the Scripture says, “You shall not muzzle an ox when it treads out the grain,” and, “The laborer deserves his wages.” Do not admit a charge against an elder except on the evidence of two or three witnesses. As for those who persist in sin, rebuke them in the presence of all, so that the rest may stand in fear. In the presence of God and of Christ Jesus and of the elect angels I charge you to keep these rules without prejudging, doing nothing from partiality. Do not be hasty in the laying on of hands, nor take part in the sins of others; keep yourself pure.

(1 Timothy 5:17-22 ESV)

What we need to be is without fear of the enemy. They hate us: they want us gone. Preferably in a manner that does not increase carbon outputs, for they believe in superstition. (Yes, Global warming is a superstition). That will mean that we have to speak straight. And many will ignore us.


Prager and Wilcox are two men who have been trying to preserve marriage, seeing it as a rite of passage. They would argue for early marriage, as would I. But they miss a few points. Our society is set up to destroy marriages, and husbands are not held in respect by the mass media, but as chumps, relying on wifely intuition.

Not the case. Most women, even the fittest and best, flourish with support and praise. But to Dalrock, who is correct on the current situation.

This is about as effective as a video promoting modern marriage can be, but it won’t have the kind of impact its creators are hoping for. As Wilcox points out, the median age of marriage for men has gone from 23 to 29. If this were due to a movement by men to delay marriage, the video would be an effective response. However, the social change we are seeing around delayed marriage is being driven not by men, but by women. Most of the young men who will watch this video live in a world where very few women their age are interested in marriage, and they don’t see the men a few years older than themselves getting married. Signaling provider status is no longer an effective path to sexual success for young men, as most young women in our hookup culture far prefer exciting bad boys to boring loyal dudes. By the time the women in their generation tire of chasing after bad boys, many of the would be steady eddies have coasted through the better part of their 20s. The problem isn’t so much that young men don’t want to marry, but that once marriage is suddenly on the table many young men won’t have prepared for it as previous generations of men had.

This is a cultural problem that can’t be fixed by having young men watch a video, because the young men aren’t the ones driving the cultural change. Moreover, one lesson that men are slowly learning is the very lesson that Prager has been teaching; marriage doesn’t have any moral meaning. If this is true, and given the deliberate assault on the status of husbands and fathers, then Turd Flinging Monkey’s response is the most rational perspective. Of course it isn’t true, but acknowledging sexual morality would upset the feminist apple cart that conservative elites like Prager and Wilcox are so careful not to upset.

What is happening instead is that marriage is being made compulsory. There is an assumption that if you have a boyfriend and girlfriend, you will cohabit. Without paper. the Paper arrives after the mortgage and the first child. But the family courts do not care: they deem you are married or in a relationship on five legal tests, one of which is being considered a partnership by others.

And then you are vulnerable in a split.

The old rules worked better. Yes, it limited young women, but young women were safer. Stacey gives better advice.

Let me offer three bits of advice to young women:

  1. Avoid cities — Like so many other feminists of her generation, it would seem that Ms. George grew up watching Sex and the City and got the idea that the most glamorous thing in the world is to be a young single woman living in New York and working as a writer. In reality, cities are very dangerous places and, as a father, I would never want my daughter living in a wretched hive of scum and villainy like New York City.
  2. Never be a pedestrian — This is something most Americans don’t need to be told. We don’t live in big cities, and we drive our cars everywhere we go. We don’t walk anywhere, if we can help it. Kat George is originally from Australia, so maybe she doesn’t understand the American lifestyle and our great love of the internal combustion engine. Our devotion to automotive transportation means that most Americans never think about “the inherent nature of being a woman walking in the street,” a problem that does not affect anyone we actually know. Certainly, if a woman is walking the streets of a wretched hive of scum and villainy like New York City, where women “are victims of sexual violence EVERY SINGLE DAY,” she is doing so against my advice. Move to a small town in someplace like Alabama or Oklahoma and get yourself a pickup truck — problem solved!
  3. Get yourself a husband — Preferably one who lives in someplace like Alabama or Oklahoma. The comparatively low cost of living in rural America makes it possible to do very old-fashioned things like getting married, having children and driving pickup trucks. Also, in rural America, a woman can keep a firearm handy so she doesn’t have to worry about “sexual violence EVERY SINGLE DAY.” (Scarlett O’Hara: “I can shoot straight, if I don’t have to shoot far.”)

Of course, it’s heteronormative misogyny to suggest that the life of a young single woman living in New York is not as glamorous as TV shows portray it to be. Those of us living out in rural America with our families — and our trucks and our guns — are just ignorant bumpkins who don’t know anything about anything, except maybe eighth-grade biology.

That is moral. That is safe. That is sane.

This elite are not. Do not be like them, for they are heading for pain. The world, again, is turning, and it will not be in their favour.