Psychiatry and skin in the game.

I'm reading Taleb's notebook and thinking about parallelism. He talks about Russian statisticians who inject doubt into predictions, trading (which I know not, nor care about) and most importantly, skin in the game. He says beware of the mandarins, the grand ecole, who produce administrators who have no skin in the game; not risk, and … Continue reading Psychiatry and skin in the game.

Do not let microaggressions drive your congregation. [James 2]

So today we talk about inclusion, do we? Well, not necessarily: the church can and should discipline those who belong to it. Even when it hurts: there are good reasons why I don't live with the Pro Photographer, and until one can wed one can not remain in obedience and share sheets and coffee cups … Continue reading Do not let microaggressions drive your congregation. [James 2]

The revolution will be diffuse. And not of the left.

Now, I firmly believe that one should not resign: I agree with Mike C and Vox that if the press and their SJW minions demand your resignation you should just ignore them. Some years ago one of my more senior colleagues: an epidemiologist with impeccable politeness and precision, who would never harm a fly, was … Continue reading The revolution will be diffuse. And not of the left.

Act with discipline [I Tim 4].

I don't use the revised common lectionary, but the Book of Common Prayer. So the sermon today was from James: we talked about being doers of the word, and not hearers only, and about the plans of osme of our congregation to go and with Habitat for Humanity in Nepal (Earthquakes resonate in NZ. We … Continue reading Act with discipline [I Tim 4].

The Penrose hypothesis in the 21st century: revisiting the asylum

In Otago we have closed our psychiatric hospitals: one is now a cheese factory, and the other a backpackers: the remainder of the buildings are becoming ruins. But we have built more prisons. Some may say this is because the population is greater. But Penrose had a hypothesis prior to deinstutitionalisation, and it may still … Continue reading The Penrose hypothesis in the 21st century: revisiting the asylum

The Dems are dying. Good.

Obama and his generation are now fatally flawed. The Dems are turning to the older: the young have swallowed the sophist kool aid and become social justice warriors. Or lost their blindfolds, and left progressivism, choosing to have a life. When Obama came into the White House, it seemed like the Democrats had turned a … Continue reading The Dems are dying. Good.

Pray for our Roman friends, for their church is run by the sophists.

There is a true Papist blog I read frequently, and the writer there has given me the courtesy of writing and saying that he hopes I abandon my Calvinist heresy and am received into the Roman Church. He says this with all sincerity, for he sees there is no other church. And I know enough … Continue reading Pray for our Roman friends, for their church is run by the sophists.

Funding corrupts science: Research Psychologists screw the scrum.

This does not shock me. At all. There are always of designing projects that will increase the chances of a positive result. There is also publication bias: it is far more difficult to get a negative result through peer review, or a result that contracts the field. And that is why the Open Science Report … Continue reading Funding corrupts science: Research Psychologists screw the scrum.

Triggering the sophists [Acts 28]

There are times that I should fear to state the scripture plainly, and discuss theology. Because this is offensive: this will trigger. Those who have their sensitivity attuned to any offense, so that they can point, shrink, destroy and gain status points in the doing of this. So what is fascinating about this? It is … Continue reading Triggering the sophists [Acts 28]

Some hope for PTSD.

This is just out in the American Journal of Psychiatry. Two randomized controlled trials compared the efficacy of attention bias modification and attention control training for PTSD: one in Israel Defense Forces veterans and one in U.S. military veterans. Both utilized variants of the dot-probe task, with attention bias modification designed to shift attention away … Continue reading Some hope for PTSD.