The human, not the orcish.

Well, the New Years fireworks woke me as I was dropping off to sleep last night, and now it is the first day of 2015, the first coffee of the new year, and a time to do some summarization. There have been 23 000 user sessions and 83 000 pageviews last year. This site is still small, but it is not obscure.

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Over the last year I have returned, over and over, to the theme of holding fast in Christ. That we need to be living a Godly life, in families that are somewhat functional, and continually reforming our own life. For our society is going down the toilet.

And as someone who went to a High School that would have never been allowed near Disneyland, I agree with this.

The first time my alma mater got our school banned from Disneyland was in 1961
. Someone in my class brought dynamite to school, and I knew plenty of folks who carried. (I didn’t know back then, they told me later). People had sex in school! Anyone who can walk and is ever allowed out of their parents’ eyesight for more than an hour (including time when they’re theoretically at school) can make the wrong choice. (Ahem, 14yo isn’t going to that school – but he has at least one friend who will).

But the attitude of the normals (who have been infected with SJW) is more like, “Well Buffy likes girls (this week) and we’re trying to be supportive of that”. “Buffy wants to be called Butch now”. “I told her that she doesn’t have to wait for marriage unless she wants to” “We haven’t made any rules about dating…” -headdesk- “Just be honest and open with me”. You’re supposed to fear your parents wrath – aren’t you? All anyone cares about is that their kids get into college. You can have the character of a rabid chihuahua and that still counts as parenting win.

I guess I spend so much time now with the TC community and … you know, sane people? That when I bop over to “normal” land, it makes my head hurt. Oh well. They keep moving the bar down like this and our kids will cross over it without noticing. Thanks for making “exceptional” = “decent human being”.

I am no where near perfect. Neither is anyone in my family. We have our difficulties: and if anyone trolls me on FB you will find I have my fair share of troubles. That is life. We are not going to be prosperous or happy all the time.

But we need not fall into the pit of this society, where having the personality of a feral dingo (my cats consider Chihuahuas to be fast food) is a feature, not a bug.

Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving.

See to it that no one takes you captive by philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition, according to the elemental spirits of the world, and not according to Christ. For in him the whole fullness of deity dwells bodily, and you have been filled in him, who is the head of all rule and authority. In him also you were circumcised with a circumcision made without hands, by putting off the body of the flesh, by the circumcision of Christ, having been buried with him in baptism, in which you were also raised with him through faith in the powerful working of God, who raised him from the dead.

(Colossians 2:6-12 ESV)

Consider for a second this photo: taken on a walk a couple of days ago. It is a Koru: the symbol is one of renewal in Maori mythology — and taken on by corporations, such as Air New Zealand, as a logo.

[Note to the trolls: I took the photo. On a path. You cannot copyright everything: it is not a taonga for Maori only. I am of the 5th generation to live in NZ: three of those generations are buried here. You can take your restrictions and throw them in the rubbish].

A Koru, or fern frond (flower).

A Koru, or fern frond (flower).

This Koru is beautiful, and it reflects on the glory of God. But making a mythology about it is wrong. We should worship the creator, not the creation, nor the ability of us, the created, to make things that allow us to capture how light affects the beauty of nature.

And in this time of no standards, the regulations around any interaction with any other person have become overly punitive. Let us not follow the rules of this society: it is broken.

Let us, this year, turn to Christ, and not to our superstitions or mythologies. And let us continue to build each other up, encouraging the human, and not the orcish.

One thought on “The human, not the orcish.

  1. We call the edible varieties of fern fronds ‘fiddleheads’, and we eat them, here in Canada. 🙂

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