Which SJW plantation are you on?

Further on marital issues: when I am in Auckland I have to negotiate with my ex-wife (so sons can see grandparents, who are now very elderly) and all these things come to a head.

Can I flat out state that marriage is not about happiness.

I’ve run across at least 3 in the past two years where the man fell in love with someone else and left, so I don’t want to leave that out because it does happen. But a husband is far more likely to slog through “blah” or difficult marriage than a wife will. Men see the slog as part and parcel of marriage sometimes, whereas women think that if there is any discomfort, boredom, or lack of happiness and spark, then it’s just a symptom of their particular marriage and that the real thing is still out there somewhere waiting for them, whether in the form of another man, or not.

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It is not about happiness. It is not about desire — nice that it is, nor is about manipulating desire, or game. It is about a commitment to live for the other, and that is what is true love.

And if we are not loving God and loving each other, our nefarious desires will ensure we are enslaved: if not by sin, then by society. Choose well: the hint for the new year is that almost everything worth doing is hard, difficult, and will not make you feel happy. You will need to force yourself to start. You will need to find motivation.

It is the easy things that are bad for you: from sloth to being a slattern. And it is the easy things that will enslave you. And our society wants you enslaved in your vices: for they then have both the ability to doxx you and your energy is not against them.

Solzhenitsyn wrote about Communism and the Soviet Union mostly, but it is amazing the parallels that one can see with contemporary American society, in terms of the cultural climate. Keep in mind, the United States has changed from Solzhenitsyn’s time, so much so that the following quote now illustrates the current condition of western society.

Our present system is unique in world history, because over and above its physical and economic constraints, it demands of us total surrender of our souls, continuous and active participation in the general, conscious lie. To this putrefaction of the soul, this spiritual enslavement, human beings who wish to be human cannot consent.

One of the complaints of the early communists operating in western Europe in the late 20s and 30s was that the workers would not join their revolt. This astounded many of the early communists who could not believe that the workers did not want to overthrow the capitalistic system and all the accumulated historical legacy of oppression that they believed all workers inherited.

György Lukács was one of the early founders of cultural marxist thought who concluded that the workers did not join their revolt because of their “Christian souls.” What he believed was necessary was a re-education of society, a gradual changing of values and subversion of symbols until they no longer stood against global communist revolution. He and many like-minded left wing intellectuals would go on to found the Frankfurt school and continue disseminating these ideas of cultural paradigm change through language, ideas, and a pervasive counter-culture.

How much the times have changed where the counter-culture has become the dominant and only culture, the ideas all increasingly radical and the very English language changed to accommodate a pernicious left wing agenda of political correctness.

The nomenklatura are now running universities in the West: the Russians have spewed that poison our but it continues to ruin: the very word liberal — which used to be about free speech, free association and care for one’s fellow man is now about complusory censorship and hatred.

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The left wing have moved to a politics of idenity. They want you labelledL as gay, straight, trans, cis, white, black, Asian, disabled… whatever. They want you arguing aganist others because they are white, black, straigh, gay, or whatever. They do not want you sharing the truth.

They want to farm your votes: they want you neatly following their precepts. But that is the gentle path to damnation. Do not follow them. Do not be them. And do not be like them.

5 thoughts on “Which SJW plantation are you on?

  1. Am a little bummed out about just that tonight. On a discussion board for parents of 14yos…. the discussion of dating/relationships (yes, really) seems to have gone to the land of the uber-tolerant, and I want to have a lie down with a cold compress. Where is the sanity? “He’s 14. He doesn’t need a girlfriend. But I’m not stupid enough to think I can control his behavior without impressing the ‘why’ upon him”. SIGH. I mean – I can’t. You can get anything in my town. Don’t have to look far. You *have* to get the kids to understand *why*, because they will be making the choices for themselves unless you’re handcuffing them to you day and night! I could tell you stories…. DH could tell you some **good** stories.

    You don’t have to tolerate everything your kid does! Argh. I’m going back to the patio with my pattern-drafting. At least my facsimile of DH’s back makes sense.

  2. Erk. For some context, when my oldest was about 14 one of the first XV rugby players (think football, but rugby is more important) at his school (did I mention this school wins national sporting competitions? Important person at school) died by his own hand because he had knocked up his GF and her family required he get a job and support her.

    Consequences for actions? Seen. Discussed. Including “if you sleep with her you better be prepared to raise her kids, if you want to or not”. Including discussing with them how supporting daugther in dealing with her oldest who is far too precocious and a dancer (and pretty, a bad combination).

    Do you let your 14 year old do what they want? Hell. No. You put the screws on them HARD. And tell them if they go to child protection (CYPS in NZ, Children’s Aid in Canada) the consequences will include leaving them open to predation for foster fathers and the local sleaze merchants, looking for recruits to fill the local stripper roster.

    The elite want to shatter our families, leaving our children vulnerable. The answer to that is no.

    • My niece was the helpful one in the family. Two babies, the first born about five seconds after she graduated HS. Thanks for the “why”!

      I meant that I think you have to stuff “why” down their throats. You can get anything here, if you want it – and when most kids choose to get stuff is between the hour school gets out and the time their folks get home. Heroin. Slaves. Sex? Hello – military town. Shrek in a tutu can get laid here. So I have a lot of “this is why I push you – so you have options”. “See that lady over there? The one who can’t walk in a straight line?” “Are these the choices you want to make???” Here are your books, study hard. You like coding? Learn more!! The first time my alma mater got our school banned from Disneyland was in 1961. Someone in my class brought dynamite to school, and I knew plenty of folks who carried. (I didn’t know back then, they told me later). People had sex in school! Anyone who can walk and is ever allowed out of their parents’ eyesight for more than an hour (including time when they’re theoretically at school) can make the wrong choice. (Ahem, 14yo isn’t going to that school – but he has at least one friend who will).

      But the attitude of the normals (who have been infected with SJW) is more like, “Well Buffy likes girls (this week) and we’re trying to be supportive of that”. “Buffy wants to be called Butch now”. “I told her that she doesn’t have to wait for marriage unless she wants to” “We haven’t made any rules about dating…” -headdesk- “Just be honest and open with me”. You’re supposed to fear your parents wrath – aren’t you? All anyone cares about is that their kids get into college. You can have the character of a rabid chihuahua and that still counts as parenting win.

      I guess I spend so much time now with the TC community and … you know, sane people? That when I bop over to “normal” land, it makes my head hurt. Oh well. They keep moving the bar down like this and our kids will cross over it without noticing. Thanks for making “exceptional” = “decent human being”.

  3. Pingback: The human, not the orcish. | Dark Brightness

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