A small hack to the theme, Statistics and New Year Resolution strike rate.

I like the twenty-fifteen theme but did not like the fact that I could only have the full posts. I know the theme can abstract; it does this on my phone. But the main blog did not. However, there is a very simple hack, and by changing one line by hand I have what I want: a clean theme and extracted posts.

The statistics for the last month from Sitemeter and the graph from wordpress: which says I had 6.1K views and 2.4K visitors last month.

Screenshot - 020115 - 08:46:42

Screenshot - 020115 - 08:58:46

Now resolutions from last year and moving onto this one.

  1. Blog the lectionary daily. Achieved. Though at the cost of feeling great guilt: most of the time I am preaching to myself.
  2. Play a musical instrument daily.  Failed. But I did manage to attend the orchestra and a chamber music camp and the viola has improved. I need to play more fretted instruments: the guitar is getting lonely. Trick for this year: practice while dinner is being cooked.
  3. Exercise regularly.  This got better as the year improved: I managed to be in the gym two to three times a week, but neglected endurance. I need to correct this year
  4. Support the family. I refuse to judge this one.

No new resolutions this year, but one hopes that the people in my life will be more close to God — that my influence will be for good and not bad.

2 thoughts on “A small hack to the theme, Statistics and New Year Resolution strike rate.

    • Yeah. And the reason I kept on changing themes was to find the functionality of twenty13 on and the ability to have extracts. This now looks about right.

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