Notes in the fading of society [quotage]

Judgy clued me into this blog. It is about losing your kids, and not knowing where they are: in this person’s situation the ex has relocated to Australia and I have some cynical advice for him: cut her off. She is no longer in your country or jurisdiction, she has left the rules of your society (the blogger is from the USA) so be silent and wait.

For children know which parent is sane, and you are prevented from intervening. Yes, it is unjust, but if you expect justice in this society you are the foolish person in the room.

Let’s change gears for a few minutes. Ask any good Cop about his top fears and undoubtedly at least one will be having a girlfriend/wife get mad at you and file a restraining order against you. Since OJ, this just rots for men everywhere. Woman wants something from man. Man refuses. Woman calls Police and says man “Scared” her or “threatened” her or “Hit” her. Marks, no marks… hell the man doesn’t even have to be in the same County and guess what? Man gets arrested, woman gets restraining order. When the man is a cop, his gun (and job) go out the window, he is suspended and is wrong until he can prove the negative… that he didn’t do anything. This tactic is generally used as a ploy to secure a good size of your soon to be ex husband’s Police Pension or get more parenting time/child support.

I already mentioned earlier that Trish attempted to get a restraining order on me in an attempt to prevent me from enforcing the court’s orders and to gain the benefits noted above with negative results. What’s the next best thing? Have your girlfriend file a restraining order.

I got caught up in this one.

You aren’t paranoid if they are really out to get you. It really is a conspiracy if two or more people plan to do something illegal to you. The two of them got together, crafted wording that would barely pass the court and whala, ex parte restraining order against me. No injury. No witnessed threats. Just her word. TRO on Joe

Never had to do that. But I live with a stormy sea (the Cook Strait) between myself and my ex-wife. One of the few good things about the split is I collect less stuff. Over keeping can be destructive. Unfortunately, this is probably not a joke. I have had to unload too many loads of saved clippings from houses before. If you have not processed it and got rid of it within a few weeks then — it is time to go. That includes magazines, newspapers and saved Twitter screenshots.

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Although the idea of literally eating something the same shape as my appendage is not appealing, the irony of Ghey bakers refusing to bake an Christian theme cake while Christian bakers are ordered to bake a ghey one….

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Frances Paretto is usually worth reading, and he comments about the current state of the US corporate (feminist) paradigm:

These passive-aggressive expressions of contempt for men
– to say nothing of the contempt they express for business realities, the facts, and the truth – are now endemic. You can find them in bunches in virtually every periodical published in America. But surprisingly, that’s a sign of better days to come.

We’re witnessing a feminist “Battle of the Bulge.” They know that their real influence is dwindling rapidly, and that their numbers are dwindling still faster. So they’re putting on “one last big push,” through the media organs that have been their most effective weapons. And they’re gaining…approximately nothing from it.

Consider the “marriage strike.” Consider the declining male enrollment in colleges and universities. Consider the aridity of the social environment, particularly on those aforementioned colleges and universities. Consider the explosion of masculinist sentiment, at outlets such as MGTOW and The Return of Kings. And consider the ubiquity of female complaints about “how hard it is to find a good man.”

The “last man standing” in the gender wars will not be the feminists.

As I said above, this society is unjust. But this will not continue, and when justice rolls down like a river the current currency of offence will be worth less than the ruble, even in its currently collapsed state.

One thought on “Notes in the fading of society [quotage]

  1. She’s not actually in Sydney… He was quoting from Finding Nemo because he didn’t want to throw her real address out there to the world at large. She & his son are in Washington.

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