Managerial malevolence.

The Z man (hat tip to Woodpile Report) notes that there is no honour left. There is only virtue signals, and the results no longer care for the managers. Which means we have an managerial elite who are not merely without honour. They have embraced evil. The key thing about the modern sociopath is the … Continue reading Managerial malevolence.

Songs and Admin.

There have been a few changes in the way things load to speed things up and the menu at the top has changed so that clinical notes and poems are easy to find. The theme has remained the same. There have been the occaisional glitches when pages have "404ed" ie not been loaded. I've done … Continue reading Songs and Admin.

Saturday Sonnet.

The nine are the Muses of ancient Greek myth, and Pindar is the first great poet of the classical Hellenic era. But Sydney is not looking at the exotic: he is looking at the face of his beloved. He has rejected the exotic, the ancient, and others. He loves Stella. And he can have her: … Continue reading Saturday Sonnet.

Against the change of circumstance.

A fair number of the guys I know and respect are in the same situation I am. Divorced, remarried: the egalitarian false marriages that is part of the false consensus morality of this time led us through the family courts. Which are destructive. We want the old marriage, the old ways. We want til death … Continue reading Against the change of circumstance.