Dress as you are.

Since no one publicises the good advice out there, I will point them out at times.

This is from Amy, and it is for the girls: Dress as you are. Not as you would want to be.

In my book, Wardrobe Communication, I talk about dealing with the reality on the ground insofar as the physicality you’re dressing.   There’s really no point trying for “cute” if you look like Tilda Swinton, and there’s no point in trying for “architectural elegance” if you look like Paula Abdul.   You’re going to frustrate yourself and get nowhere.
This is not to say that you can’t improve things.  Anyone can take their raw materials and create a compelling whole.   Dame Sitwell was anything but a pretty woman – so she didn’t try for pretty.  She went for intense, exotic, and grand.  She was a poet and an avid appreciator of the arts… and, if you look up a picture of hers, you wouldn’t be a bit surprised to find that out.  The outside and inside are cohesive.

Tilda Swinton,, not as most see her.

Go read the whole thing. Amy knows what she talking about.

And if in doubt, do what her friend Elspeth says: Ask your husband