Aim for excellence: avoid the syncretic.

One of the recurring themes at Spartacus’ place is that the Social Justice Warriors (or as we prefer to call them in the antipodes, the petunias) destroy what is going on.

This reblog is from a Leonidas, who is Roman Catholic. I’d say that there is enough syncretism there, though (and it pains me to say this, as Reformed) the syncretic foolishness in the Roman Church is exceeded by that in the Anglicans.

But the SJW destroyed the Anglican church. The SJWs are trying to remove our memory,even in fields where the sources matter, such as fantasy.

Leonidas’ analysis is correct here. Islam was a syncretic blob of errors from the beginning. It is not of Christ. It can never be of Christ. Converting these people is our duty: resisting them taking over our society is our duty, not submitting to their laws is our duty.

Contrary to what Belloc states, Islam can’t be a heresy, because by denying the divinity of Christ and of the Holy Ghost it cannot be seen as the same religion, worshiping the same God. Islam is a monstrous deformation of Christianity in a way that it denies the very concept of God, and therefore this monstrous deformation can’t be considered Christian in any way, shape or form.

Secondly, we must also observe that, thankfully, the resilience of the Muslim world to Christian conversion is beginning to break, and there have been several reports showing that a large number of Muslims converts every year, more or less secretly, to Christianity. I remember reading the figure of half a percent a year of the entire Muslim population. Stunning developments even if, of course, destined to remain under the radar for who knows how long still.

The main point of the article, though, is rather interesting: the devotion to Mary as the gateway to a Truth to which most Muslims are impervious when this Truth is presented to them from other directions. And in fact, it just does not make sense to believe in both the Immaculate Conception and the virgin birth without believing in the reason why both make sense in the first place. Who knows, perhaps the Fatima apparition will truly be the skeleton key allowing Truth to, one day, enter that evil false religion.

This mixture of some truths with many lies is what happens when you take a religion and start to tamper with it for your own ends. It becomes a mishmash of contradictory beliefs, a salad of imported truths and invented lies, and ultimately a container for all sorts of absurdities and monstrosities .

Which is what Islam is.

And one of the old Mentors points out that this tendency to fracturing things is metastasizing.

I’m not going to analyze SJW ideology here except to point out, again, why the hacker culture must consider anyone who holds it an enemy. This is because we must be a cult of meritocracy. We must constantly demand merit – performance, intelligence, dedication, and technical excellence – of ourselves and each other.

Now that the Internet – the hacker culture’s creation! – is everywhere, and civilization is increasingly software-dependent, we have a duty, the duty I wrote about in Holding Up The Sky. The invisible gears have to turn. The shared software infrastructure of civilization has to work, or economies will seize up and people will die. And for large sections of that infrastructure, it’s on us – us! – to keep it working. Because nobody else is going to step up.

We dare not give less than our best. If we fall away from meritocracy – if we allow the SJWs to remake us as they wish, into a hell-pit of competitive grievance-mongering and political favoritism for the designated victim group of the week – we will betray not only what is best in our own traditions but the entire civilization that we serve.

This isn’t about women in tech, or minorities in tech, or gays in tech. The hacker culture’s norm about inclusion is clear: anybody who can pull the freight is welcome, and twitching about things like skin color or shape of genitalia or what thing you like to stick into what thing is beyond wrong into silly. This is about whether we will allow “diversity” issues to be used as wedges to fracture our community, degrade the quality of our work, and draw us away from our duty.

We must be clear in our thinking, for this time hates logic, can calls it white privilege.

We must know our sources, source code included, and return to the words and precepts that life is built upon, form Christ to Newton to Principia Mathematica to, in this cybernetic age, the underlying assumptions of Turing Machines. We need to know the fundamentals, for all human things are flawed, and when pressure is placed upon them the flaws are obvious.

And we need to be excellent. In small things as well as big. If we aim small, keeping our eyes ont he small errors, we may be able to avoid straying into the big errors.

Finally, mistrust those who will not show their data nor their sources nor their logic. WHo use naught but rhetoric; who rely on engaging a visceral reaction and call that proof. This is at best an argument from authority. It ms more likely to be an argument from error, and driven by the agenda of the pit.