God is more than a mother bear.

The liberal priestesses of the Episcopalian church (no cis gendered males can apply) have an overweening hatred of truth and tradition. They like overmuch the female heresiarchs, particularly Mary Ann, whom they see as a protofeminist. But they forget that the Shakers died as a faith. As will they. In the meantime, they are trying to destroy the United States, in which they sit.

At Christ Church of Alexandria, Virginia, where the motto is “All are welcome, no exceptions,” the board of vestry has decided it can no longer tolerate a plaque dedicated to the memory of its most famous member, George Washington.

That’s right, George Washington himself was one of the founding members of Christ Church, which is affiliated with the Episcopal Church USA. He purchased pew No. 5 when the church opened in 1773 and attended for more than 20 years whenever he rode north from Mount Vernon to do business in town.

But on Sunday, the church announced it will soon be removing a memorial plaque placed along the front wall in Washington’s honor, saying he has become so controversial that his plaque is “chasing away would-be parishioners,” the Washington Times reports.

The Episcopal Church USA has given itself over to a “Mother Earth” form of Christianity that preaches tolerance and inclusivity for everything accept what some might consider traditional, biblical Christianity.

The Christ Church of Alexandria is so inclusive that it does not have a single male pastor listed on its website. All four are women. One of them, the Rev. Ann Gillespie, is a former Hollywood actress who recently closed a sermon with a new version of the Apostle’s Creed.

It starts out, “I believe in God, our Mother Bear, source of all being,” and it refers to the Virgin Mary as “the bad-ass womanist liberation theologian, Mary.”

This is the creed that the priestesses recited. In doing this, they proclaim themselves as Antichrists. This is not credal: this is not Christian: this is a Satanic perversion of the creed. One needs to ignore the history, the robes. Christ Church was precisely that in the time of Washington. It is now a synagogue of Satan.

Recently, while at work, I was thinking about the Apostles’ Creed, and how I cannot say the words in it anymore and actually mean them. So, when I got home from work, I sat down and rewrote it. I decided to share my rewritten creed on Facebook. I’d already rewritten and shared a few Bible verses in a similar manner, and my friend Rod asked when I was going to turn these into blog posts. Well, there’s no time like the present.

Here’s what I wrote:

I believe in God, our Mother Bear,
source of all being.

I believe in Jesus Christ, God’s wisdom made flesh,
along with Sophia, the church, and all that live in wisdom.
Born of the bad-ass womanist liberation theologian, Mary,
suffered under the systems of oppression of this world,
was crucified, died, and was buried,
forever joining in solidarity with those murdered by Empire.
On the third day, the women declared him risen;
signifying God’s “No” to oppression.
He points to God our Mother Bear,
who works in this world, calling for justice for the poor and oppressed.

I believe in Sophia Spirit,
Christ’s body, the church,
the communion of saints,
the grace to reject this world’s systems,
hope for justice in the future,
and renewed life everlasting. Amen.
I was just going to share this, call it the Feminist Apostles’ Creed. Then I realized that wouldn’t be accurate. This isn’t the Feminist Apostles’ Creed, because feminism is a diverse movement, and we have diverse faiths, religions, denominations, and theologies.

Be aware, moreover, of the entryists, who say they are against this, but teach that feelings are more important that the revealed word of Christ. Our feelings and experiences deceive us, as does our ability to rationalise ourselves into evil. Scripture is a plumb-line, straight and true: we are crooked and twisted.

This is something to keep in mind whenever someone offers the fact that (overt) feminist Christians strongly disagree with them as proof that they are valiantly fighting against feminist corruption of Christianity. Merely teaching new age ideas like God commands husbands to be emotionally available, … is enough to seem like a radical anti-feminist when compared with the teachings of overt feminists. But the reference point for sound theology should not be the teachings of overt feminists, but whether the teaching is faithful to Scripture*.

Use scripture as a plumb-line, and case out the heretics. Particularly those who claim they deserve to be there because of teh diversity. And remain within the spirit of God, not the spirit of your sophistry.

3 thoughts on “God is more than a mother bear.

  1. I saw this over at Dalrock’s and was furious. Why did they have to bring bears into this? Mother bears have no ambitions beyond being good mothers to their cubs. If, after reading this, there are any doubts that feminism is incompatible with Christianity then the reader is a feminist, not a Christian.
    This is what mother bears do.
    It is one of my all time favorites. I love how the little guy scampers off in the end. He knows he is in big trouble.

  2. It strikes me that the removal of the Washington plaque is one of the more benign things Christ Church has done lately–and quite frankly, I hope that if anyone ever wants to memorialize me in such a way, I’ve got the presence of mind to say “this place is about Christ, not me; please don’t.”

    I actually have a cookbook from Christ Church–my mom and stepdad bought it, and that’s how I learned to make pie crust. Just for fun.

  3. Even worse than re-writing the Apostle’s Creed, she also re-writes Bible verses;

    “I’d already rewritten and shared a few Bible verses in a similar manner,…”

    She is a Heretic.

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