The Lutheran (and Anglican) Failure

When Luther was declared a heretic and outlaw by the Roman canon lawyers (who were doubling down on the sale of indugences, as their corrupt Pope had to pay his tame artists and hired armies) the compromise reached with the electors of Brandenburg, Hanover -- the protestant Lords -- was that the king would lead … Continue reading The Lutheran (and Anglican) Failure

The truth one hides from.

We are here dealing with presuppositions. We have an idea of how the world should be, and build accordingly. The world is not like that. Most people can handle only a small amount of truth. It is much easier to turn the music up, watch that movie, and not think. The days of failing to … Continue reading The truth one hides from.

Let the wormtounges lie.

Today's passage reminds me of the last song that Johnny Cash put together. For this world will be without peace. There are too many who fight not for good but for evil. We are in a battle. It is not fought with armies and bombs, but with the bodies imported: of a people who turn … Continue reading Let the wormtounges lie.