Classic Entryism. The worship of the self and of social justice rather than the worship of God Almighty.

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Now, Black Lives Matter is not righteous. They see the black as completely innocent and any action they do as justified. They use the logic of the Klu Klux Klan, but have T shirts instead of sheets. They are not prophetic. They are making much of what is a small problem in this world, and their currency is white guilt.

Tl:DR — BLM == KKK.

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And, as you can see, their videos do not run outside of the USA. Um, the USA is not the world.

But that is minor. What I hate is that the entryists have taken one of the big Student Witness conferences and made it anything but that. They are not founding people in the Cross, but in social justice. That is not deep enough for anyone to survive in this time.

If you haven’t lost any friends, been called “hateful”, lost your job, lost familial relationships, or been overtly persecuted or verbally berated for the sake of Christ and His Law-Word… then you ain’t doin’ it. Literally, you’re NOT walking The Walk. You’re lukewarm. And Jesus said something about how He feels about the lukewarm and cowardly.

Today’s “evangelicals” are yesterday’s liberals–and tomorrow’s liberals, for that matter.

This is nothing new for Urbana–look for a book titled Christ the Liberator, published by InterVarsity Press in 1971. It’s a collection of addresses from the Urbana ’70 conference, including: Social Concern and World Evangelism (Samuel Escobar); Revolution and World Evangelism (Myron S. Augsburger); and The U.S. Racial Crisis and World Evangelism (Tom Skinner).

Went to Urbana in 1999. It was awesome. It was a glimpse of what the future held when Christ came back and every knee will bow and every tongue (from every nation) will proclaim him Lord of all. The exclusivity of Christ being the only way to salvation.

Started watching the live stream earlier this week and opening speaker (Asian) used social justice rhetoric and buzzwords. Identifying as “second-class” citizen after coming to college in the US and not finding people who looked like him; happy about “multiculturalism”, etc. It was hard to watch and listen to. Shut it off.

We are not called to be fashionable. We are called to be truthful. I am not a fan of white nationalism: I am a fan of my culture, which is New Zealand English, and has a fair amount of Maori, Celtic and Asian blended in for hybrid vigour. And it was based on the church.

This division is not of God. Now, if you are talking teh USA police being a standing army (but without the training or fitness) then I might agree with you.

But we need to call this as foolish. The Maori separatists would lose — simply because Maori are about 15% of the population, and not all Maori are separatists. Numbers matter. The parallel with the USA is obvious.

Far better to use your anger to sort out your own community, and stop placing the blame on the others.