The persecution is beginning [Gal 4]

I think it was Niebuhr who said first they came for the communists and I said nothing... then the unionists... then the Catholics... and then me. In the USA, the left is coming first for the Trump supporters. They are using lethal force: a king hit can kill. This is not peace. This is the … Continue reading The persecution is beginning [Gal 4]

Quote of the day.

A contrast with some background. I am very aware of the anti natalist stance of the Canadian education system and workforce, and the pressure that Children's Aid puts on parents in that country. Of that I will say but this: the consequences of these policies is a decline in population. Without vision the people perish. … Continue reading Quote of the day.

Against the myths of this age. [Gal 4]

I did not need to go very far to find a muppet virtue signalling this morning. He is obeying the elemental spirit of this age. he is pagan. He does not have responsibility for the medical care of refugees, or finding accommodation, nor has he considered that one of the reasons NZ integrates refugees is … Continue reading Against the myths of this age. [Gal 4]

Sunday Holy Sonnet.

Today in church we talked about the presence of God, quoting primarily Brother Lawrence. So, a new idea: a holy sonnet for Sunday. Beginning with a Jesuit. ‘Patience, hard thing! the hard thing but to pray’ PATIENCE, hard thing! the hard thing but to pray, But bid for, Patience is! Patience who asks Wants war, … Continue reading Sunday Holy Sonnet.

Let God not be ashamed of us [Heb 11]

It may be that we are in a time of restoration. The policies of the nationalists in Washington are being opposed. Donald Trump's decision to close America's borders to refugees was causing confusion and chaos at airports across the US, as people fleeing war zones were turned away by customs officials. This demonstrates that in … Continue reading Let God not be ashamed of us [Heb 11]

Converging to Youtubeuselessness

There is a reason I run my own server. Which is not in my country of residence. There is a reason that my email accounts on that server are shut down so that unless I reply or whitelist you the emails get dumped. It is because attacks exist: my servers have been spambotted before, and … Continue reading Converging to Youtubeuselessness

The law does not make us heirs of Abraham [Gal 3]

The law is good and worthy and needed for it brings us to true repentance. When we look at the law we see a righteous God and the seriousness of our sin. The extreme penalties within it are because God is righteous and the due penalty of all transgressions within a righteous community is expulsion … Continue reading The law does not make us heirs of Abraham [Gal 3]

On the Pine 64

The idea is to use this low power box for email and blogging. This does not require much bandwidth. If that works, then I'll look at more challenging things. get your Pine 64, and then the fun starts. You really need a monitor that will handle hdmi if you want any graphics... and then … Continue reading On the Pine 64

Wills and a dying narrative [Gal 3]

Tomorrow I head up into central Otago with an agenda[1]. I am getting married. As part of this, the will had to be revised. And the times are fallen. The courts in NZ can and will break the clear wishes of the deceased in the name of fairness. A fair amount of the discussion was … Continue reading Wills and a dying narrative [Gal 3]

The unpersoning of Richard Spencer

Richard Spencer is a blogger, a person who coined (or claims to own) the term alt right. As if you can own the weather. He is a nationalist: arguing against the right genocide. He has made a pile of unforced errors. As such, Cernovich and others have disavowed him. But the process since then is … Continue reading The unpersoning of Richard Spencer