This unfortunate experiment.

By their fruits you will know them. I mean consequences. The immigration of Activist Islamic young men has put all women at risk. This is NBC news, describing Cologne over New Year’s Eve.

Eye witnesses described getting groped multiple times near the city’s train station and its famed cathedral.

“It was horror. Although we shouted and hit around us, the guys did not stop. I was desperate,” a 28-year-old woman identified as Katja L. told Cologne’s Express newspaper, saying she was groped about 100 times while walking 600 feet.

Another woman, who did not give her name, told Bild newspaper that several men attacked her and her friend. “They had circled us and started to grope us. They were everywhere with their hands,” she said.

Yep. Indecent Assault in my local terms: you do not touch intimate areas unless you are invited (and generally, have a room: in public that is indecent exposure). But this is not leading to leftist protests. Instead we are told we are racist, islamophobic.

By their fruit you will know them.

Feminists have expended enormous effort to create the impression that rape is a crime commonly committed by “privileged” college boys. This falsehood serves the interests of the Democrat Party in several ways, especially because demonizing “privileged” (i.e., white, middle-class, heterosexual) males is part of a message that helps Democrats mobilize female voters, minority voters and gay voters. This is a type of hate propaganda which masquerades as “progressivism.”

By an obverse principle, the Democrat Party propaganda machine (including feminists) ignore any news that would suggest either (a) mass immigration is harmful to American society, or (b) Islam is dangerous. No matter how many violent crimes against women in the U.S. are committed by illegal aliens, no America feminist will ever call attention to such a crime, because all immigrants are presumably part of the Democrat coalition, and it’s bad publicity to mention how much harm their party’s constituents inflict on innocent Americans. (This is why liberals ignore rampant crime in Chicago and other Democrat Party strongholds.) Similarly, because most Republicans believe that radical Islam poses an existential threat to American civilization, Democrats (including feminists) pretend that Muslims are less dangerous than Methodists, Mormons or Mennonites. For more than three decades, feminists have been shrieking about the theocratic menace posed by “the Religious Right” (i.e., any Christian who votes Republican) and yet at the same time, feminists demand that Americans believe Muslims are all harmless misunderstood victims of “Islamophobia.”

Screenshot from 2016-01-06 16-23-08

The trouble with the leftist hypothesis — that the right censor and limit life and the minorities just add vibrancy and diversity with no cost — is that it is testable. Bring a few hundred thousand people in and see what happens. It appears that Germany has performed this unfortunate experiment.

The very people that the left proclaim to protect: women, children, the marginalized, the poor, the oppressed… are more oppressed. Before they struggled to make a living (or, in welfare states, find a way out of the the poverty trap and vote farm that is modern leftism) but now they fear for their physical safety.

But the other side of the experiment matters as well. By telling young men that they are evil because of some imaginary privilege, or sexually violent because they lack a second X chromosone, you are telling young men that they are not needed.

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In the early 1900s men also married late, but you can see from the data that they married very young women. This tells us that men were just as bad-off then, as they are now, but that chastity was enforced, which prevented rampant female promiscuity. In that era, men were also struggling with sinking market worth and many men didn’t marry at all. Their problems were similar to those currently visible in Islamic countries, and this demographic pressure found an escape valve in WWI. Millions of sexually-frustrated young men eagerly joined the armies of Europe for “a bit of fun”, similar to the effect that resulted in the Crusades, or that pushed youth to “Go west, young man!”.

In those situations, we can see what happens when you postpone marriage while promoting chastity: young male rage and frustration. In America, we postpone marriage without promoting chastity, with a similar result: young male apathy and frustration. The common denominator of both failed policies is the habit of postponing marriage which leads to widespread involuntary male celibacy and alienation from society, regardless of whether a society promotes chastity or not.

Those who are indifferent to — or even grateful for — the decline of marriage in the West, would be wise to note what history tells us: such a decline always ends in a bloodbath. If young men aren’t fully-engaged in building up a civilization through marriage, then they will busy themselves with tearing it down. Bread and circuses will only mollify them for so long.

The above quote was written in 2011. My fear is that we are seeing the bloodbath now.

One thought on “This unfortunate experiment.

  1. It won’t be long before the teutonic gene that triggers ‘Wear police uniform. Bust heads’ is back by popular demand.

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