We had a challenging sea last night. It was a king tide, with a southerly, that led to the sea lapping well over most of the wharves in the harbour, while on the other side of the peninsula there was a large swell. This worried me: i have friends who live in South Dunedin, below sea level, and their only protection is the seawall and dunes to the south and the roads that were close to flooding to the north.
- St KIlda
- Harbour:
We can see that South Dunedin is at risk of flooding. There are debates as to what to do: build a proper dyke along the south shore for about 5 km: increase the level of the roads around the harbour, or let the dunes fail and move South Dunedin to higher ground. (there is higher ground available).
We can see that. But we are blind. We forget that this great apostasy was predicted, and the implosion of the west is akin to the fig tree blossoming.
29Then he told them a parable: “Look at the fig tree and all the trees; 30as soon as they sprout leaves you can see for yourselves and know that summer is already near. 31So also, when you see these things taking place, you know that the kingdom of God is near. 32Truly I tell you, this generation will not pass away until all things have taken place. 33Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away.
34“Be on guard so that your hearts are not weighed down with dissipation and drunkenness and the worries of this life, and that day does not catch you unexpectedly, 35like a trap. For it will come upon all who live on the face of the whole earth. 36Be alert at all times, praying that you may have the strength to escape all these things that will take place, and to stand before the Son of Man.”
- The Alt Right
- The Left
We are at an end point in our ideology. As the Z man points out, our dreams, our utopias, have no place for men. Because men have free will, and rebel against the programming.
In that regard, Huxley has proven to be the more prescient. Brave New World was much more accurate, especially with regards to the upper classes. Whether or not we will ever be “decanting” humans is questionable, but science may be closer to genetically enhancing people than maybe is proper. Similarly, H. G. Wells understood the arc of humanity was toward a softer end than Orwell imagined. His depiction of the Eloi, and his explanation for why they existed, is being proven out today.
Even so, Orwell is what resonates with us even today, as we drift into the soft authoritarianism of the custodial state. The most likely reason is that at some level, people understand that at the core of every Utopian scheme is a coldness toward humanity that eventually leads to the sort of ugliness we associate with Orwell. Huxley’s future is eerie and disconcerting, but Orwell’s gets right to the heart of it. There is no hope and there is no joy, because in Utopia, those things have been banned.
This has always been obvious with the global Left. They have always imagined a world that, at best, could work for a slim majority of people. The rest of humanity was not going to be a good fit. There are only two ways to solve this problem. One is to “fix” those people who can’t seem to go along with the program. The other is to get rid of those people who don’t fit the new society. It’s why re-education camps have always been a fixture of left-wing societies. It’s also why mass murder is where they always end up.
The assumption is that what drives this is an absolute belief in the blank slate. If people are infinitely malleable, then all of those bad thinkers can be adjusted. Since some defects are beyond repair, the only solution is to remove the defective from the population and the gene pool. In reality, the effort at re-education is always ceremonial. The people in charge go through the motions in order to justify the inevitable. There’s also a fair amount of sadism at work. Leftist regimes seem to take pleasure in culling the herd.
In fact, what may be the main attraction to Utopianism is its underlying antipathy toward humanity in general. Human existence is messy, dirty and frustratingly irrational, but this is also the source of its beauty. There is nothing rational about falling in love. There is nothing orderly about laughing at your own stupidity or your screw ups. What drives the people dreaming up the perfect society is a hatred of this reality. They hate the apparent randomness, the part that makes life worth living, so they seek to eliminate it.
It is why Whittaker Chambers recoiled in horror at the philosophy of Ayn Rand. Chambers had spent most of his life as an atheist and a communist. He fully understood the materialism at the heart of every Utopian scheme. He saw it right away in Randian moral philosophy. The libertarian dream world is one in which everything about the human condition is squeezed out. The libertarian Utopia is one in which everyone is an isolated economic unit with no emotional ties to anyone.
Libertarians deny this because they hate this truth about themselves. It is the one thing that distinguishes them from the other Utopian dreamers. They flinch at the idea of shoving the deviants into the ovens. Instead, they dream of the isolated colony populated by the productive. What drives the Leftist is a hatred of mankind. They dream of a place where anything resembling humanity is gone. Libertarians, in contrast, are driven by self-loathing, so their dream is to be isolated away from humanity, like prisoners.
The old narrative was that of the post war period. It was high church atheism, and it lead to misanthropy and despair in the West, and the Soviet state in Asia (Maoism is the Soviet state with a little red book). Both are systems of death.
What we are facing is a system where we are being nudged into the narrative by memes and social control. The modern narratve seems tolerant, but it will not allow us to be anything but degenerate,
The Utopians hate God and all of creation, for it bears witness to him.
We need to endure. Keep hope. For the earth cannot continue this way. We face either revival or the return of Christ. Pray it is revival, for the sake of the souls of those entrapped by this time. When Christ comes, this world will be made better, and we will be as we were before the fall: human in in the image of God.