The cathedral is fragile.

One of the things that helped me develop was something that was not available for my children. Because of changes in employment and safety laws. At the age of 15 I was working during the holidays in a freezing works, or meat packing plant if you live in North America. The town I grew up … Continue reading The cathedral is fragile.

Sunday Holy Sonnet

Thirteen What if this present were the worlds last night? Marke in my heart, O Soule, where thou dost dwell, The picture of Christ crucified, and tell Whether that countenance can thee affright, Teares in his eyes quench the amazing light, Blood fills his frownes, which from his pierc'd head fell. And can that tongue … Continue reading Sunday Holy Sonnet

Help within the church [Acts 2]

Last night I was talking with my brother in law: about cars ("Don't buy a mini, they are impossible to maintain") and my brother's new toy car and the topic turned to what will happen in the property market. He noted that the average mortgage in Auckland is 900 000 dollars, and that the Perth … Continue reading Help within the church [Acts 2]