The marks of convergence


If the narrative decides an option is not acceptable, it will not be offered. There is a reason why house prices are allowed to rise in the West: it ensures the wife must work, to keep the family fed, while the husband pays the mortgage.

There used to be bright lines around loan amounts being less than a third of the breadwinner’s take-home pay, and houses were built to that cost.

No woman should be authorized to stay at home and raise her children. Society should be totally different. Women should not have that choice, precisely because if there is such a choice, too many women will make that one.

–Simone de Beauvoir


Newspeak ensures that the truth cannot be spoken. One problem remains: the truth is still the truth, and new words will be made so they can be spoken.

Control the language and you control the concept. Control the concept, and what is acceptable and what is not about it, and you control the thought before it forms. As I’ve argued in the past, the end state of the Feminine Imperative’s consolidation of social control isn’t the complete elimination of masculinity, but rather that it conveniently conforms to the needs of the imperative as best suits it.

‘Masculinity’ when shame for a lack of performance in desired acts, protection and provisioning are necessary, ‘Misogyny’ when the threat of feminine-primary control is implied in men’s self-esteem, affirmation or reward are attributed to maleness.

If the language is stolen, then people start producing memes. There is a reason Pepe is around.


Moving goalposts

Or as Vox Day would say, project and double down.

No one can live as Christ did. That is the first point of the Reformed summary of the gospel: Total Depravity. Twisting that to tolerance takes a lot of works, preferably with some illogic.

This is a non-issue. Anyone can brainlessly confess Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour, Trinitarian formula etc,. but do they live following in Jesus’ way? As I understand religious language, there are no words to adequately express the reality that we conveniently call “God”. Whatever we say is, as Sanskrit wisdom puts it, ‘Neti, neti’ –not this, not this. The word a-theist is, in itself, an oxymoron. How can one not ‘believe’ (however that word is interpreted) and then state what it is they don’t believe exists? I may or may not believe in the Santa Claus myth, but I sure know who the jolly man in red is. And I gladly accept chocolate left by the Easter bunny and cash from the tooth fairy (I hear it’s gone up from the quarter of my childhood). It seems we are caught in a play on words, like Anselm and Gaunilo quibbling over ‘proof’ for the existence of God. ‘Father,Son and Holy Spirit works for some–good for them. For others these words are an emotional and spiritual minefield best avoided.

Discerning what one believes is tough enough. Judging another’s belief system near impossible. Judge not lest… My personal conclusion is that i “choose to live as if the story (Jesus,Trinity,God etc.) is true” rather than wracking my aging brain over profound truths well beyond my comprehension or pay grade. I’ll just enjoy the wonder and struggle for justice.

If the UCC wants Greta to cough up the ‘right’ orthodox words to maintain her status as OM then we have leaped back centuries to the Spanish inquisition. Do we want obedient robots who recite by rote, or curious and innovative people who dare to think outside the
box, to proclaim an ‘a-theist’ theology and to put their apophatic faith into action? As Rabbi Gamaliel observed, “…if this plan or this undertaking is is men (sic) it will fail; but if it is of God you will not be able to overthrow them. You might even be found opposing of God !” . (Acts5:38-39, RSV)

Or as my grandad put it, “dinna get yer knickers in a twist’. Hasn’t Jesus challenged us to go into the world and transform it, not to stay in church to fence the table of tradition with presumed orthodoxy?

ps Is the math question appropriate for people who believe 1=3?

I should add bring up the Inquisition, the Crusades, or Germany between 1944 and 1949. Without understanding the inquisition, the crusades, or the Church’s response to fascist and socialist Statists.


Disavowal and shunning of anyone who disagrees with them.


Last weekend, replies I sent on Twitter were not showing up in people’s notifications. Then magically I was locked down due to suspicious behavior. I changed my password and hit the confirmation code request button to unlock it. After an hour or so, all was well. The next day something odder happened. I was locked out for automated behavior. I am obviously not a bot. It was not just me. Heartiste and VoxDay were also locked out.

A couple of things here. First, this is a strategic purge of figures on the dissident right. It was not just accounts with larger followings, but even smaller accounts were nipped. Some who started new accounts saw that there replies and even quoting of tweets were not showing up in people’s notifications. This would help the higher profile users avoid trolls. If you cannot see the reply and interaction, you will avoid the individual entirely and enjoy the twitter experience. They want to prevent white liberal flight from their platform.

Second, this is a nice clean up before selling Twitter to a bidder… if they can sell to someone. Hillary named the ugly meanies on the right and oh look, Twitter, which was their megaphone, shut the door on them like good progs. Good boy >pets Jack on the head< , here's your bid which will bail you out. This could make some business sense, but Twitter is already on the decline. If their demographics, which already skewed blacker than the US, start to go blacker, well then who are they going to sell advertising to? Pinterest is just licking their chops at all of this. This lockdown or clean up is one more piece of evidence though in the value of the megaphones themselves. Similar to newspapers closing comments sections, therefore reducing page clicks and their own revenue, this is a media company reducing user interactions, content and buzz for control. Control of the megaphone >>>> money.

There is a big fork coming, probably involving gab and brave… removing or providing alternatives for a fair amount of the open source infrastructure where activists have bought in codes of conduct and shut out those they disagree with.

The enemy will lie, shun, compel and change the rules. It won’t matter.

Because any group they converge becomes useless.

Do not join this enemy, Do not be like them. Do not ally yourself with them.

Build your own servers, and nail them down. The big three (twitter, facebook and google) are fully committed to the progressive cause, even if they go bankrupt. Have a backup plan, for the number of dead “large new media” companies is growing by the day.

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