Reframe as ad hominem (or shift the goalposts)

Overnight, Dalrock wrote a post about the biblical teaching that neither husband nor wife should refuse the other sexually, as Paul taught, and how this is reframed by feminists as something shameful, lustful, perverted: calling what is good sinful (and ignoring, in their hyperspirituality, that it can cause sin) Simply by agreeing to this reframe … Continue reading Reframe as ad hominem (or shift the goalposts)

A failure led Israel from Egypt.

I'm going to deviate from the text to discuss something around the current situation, particularly around an error among women within the church. There is a meme that if you threaten divorce or even divorce your husband -- taking him to the cleaners, you are doing God's work. You are making him righteous and will … Continue reading A failure led Israel from Egypt.

Destructive Feminism.

Dalrock has a post up this morning which needs to be widely read. In it he puts together a thesis that Feminism (The sisterhood) cannot survive without a mixed economic model. The state has to intervene, to skew the educational system in woman’s favour, remove the male led household (because the children from that structure … Continue reading Destructive Feminism.

Contempt & power or love and fruitfulness?

I do not know why I took one of the most difficult parts of the bible, and one of the lectionary readings for this Sunday, as today's text. There are seven passages for today if you look at the daily readings and the lectionary. What is running through my head is how does this fit … Continue reading Contempt & power or love and fruitfulness?

There are no scare quotes about “guilt”.

Let us be clear. There are two reasons for divorce if you are Protestant: adultery and wanton abandonment. That's it. But there are women who want out and do not want to be guilty. The original HuffPo article notes: And we are talking about women here, so here comes the "guilt." Women have guilt covered … Continue reading There are no scare quotes about “guilt”.