Genetics of depression show sexual dimorphism?

The genetics of depression has been an interestly difficult problem. In this paper, which is long, complex, and well worth reading, post mortem brain samples are used to demonstrate differential genetic expression by region between people with depression and controls, that differ by sex. This is then replicated in mice experimental models, and using a … Continue reading Genetics of depression show sexual dimorphism?

Yes, Virginia, medications may work.

Child Psychiatry is not adult psychiatry: children are not adults: what works for adults may not work for kids, and when kids are involved the problem is often affecting the family, the school or the wider society. So, let us start with the latest press problems: the number of prescriptions in Scotland in going up. … Continue reading Yes, Virginia, medications may work.

Educationalist ruin professional education?

If you make things too onerous, there will be pushback. My boss has the American Board, and every few years he has to go over the States and sit a MOC exam. From their website. Maintenance of Certification program participation includes meeting all four components of the MOC Program. Diplomates are only required to complete … Continue reading Educationalist ruin professional education?

Anxiety is not a risk factor for suicide, PTSD included?

There are many who will look at completed suicide and consider that any mental health disorder caused it. There are others who work from theory and consider that those who are frightened may be at risk, so those with clinical panic symptoms or phobias or overwhelming worry must be at higher risk. There is a … Continue reading Anxiety is not a risk factor for suicide, PTSD included?

Watch this neuroimaging space?

Some of the tools we have coming out of the Magnetic Resonance Suite look attractive, such as high resolution diffusion imaging. On a population basis, you can see the difference between normal, psychotic, depressed and manic networks. The pictures are pretty, and some of them may be useful. Recent work from the international Study to … Continue reading Watch this neuroimaging space?

Epidemiology shot: economic chaser.

The drinking age in NZ is 18. One of the minor parties is wanting to increase the drinking age to 20 and tax alcohol by content. Is this a problem? anecdotally, not as much: I'm middle class with a driving licence. I don't drink unless I'm going to use a taxi. But I know there … Continue reading Epidemiology shot: economic chaser.

Risk assessment in self harm adds nothing.

I don't normally discuss risk assessment of repeat self harm. I'm more interested in suicide, and this paper does not report such data. Instead it looks at a more common event -- recurrent self harm within six months. The authors used a series of measurements -- the ReACT tool, the Manchester rule, the SAD persons … Continue reading Risk assessment in self harm adds nothing.

In praise of the lecture

The best lecturer I had at medical school taught anatomy, was close to retirement, and did not give out lecture notes. He spent his entire lecture drawing: starting with the bones, he would add the muscles, viscera and have a discussion as to how this worked. He was impossible to take notes from unless you … Continue reading In praise of the lecture

Free speech fabulous win for Milo

Milo Yiannopolous has written a book. And the fix is in. Former Breitbart tech editor Milo Yiannopoulos is scheduled to publish his book Dangerous next Tuesday, on Independence Day. Ahead of that release Gizmodo has obtained a copy of the finished book, as well as the January draft previously leaked to Buzzfeed. Maybe “the most … Continue reading Free speech fabulous win for Milo

The betrayal of the mad.

I work, most weeks, with people who have mood disorders and psychosis. A fair number of them, from time to time, want to ehdn their lives. My job is to engender hope. To remind them that this storm will pass. And it is my duty to discourage suicide when possible: the fact that a person … Continue reading The betrayal of the mad.