To Streep.

Julian is correct in this neologism: it is useful. To “streep”. Definition: To complain from a position of immense privilege. Hollywood stars will soon be doing a lot more streeping. via “Streeping”: a new word — Julian O'Dea

How to distort statistics, again.

This study is reported as a non inferiority study demonstrating that Cognitive Therapy and Dynamic Therapy over 12 sessions have roughly the same effect. The face validity for this in the USA is high, as many clinicians do dynamic, not cognitive therapy, as consequence of the methods of training they underwent. They care about theorectical … Continue reading How to distort statistics, again.

An ecologic study: pollution and prescribing?

This is an example of an ecologic design. Four counties with variable rates of air pollution had the number of children with prescriptions of various antipsychotic or sedative medications compared. There is (for the TL:DR group a statistically significant but weak correlation). The medication group used as outcome in this study includes any medication with … Continue reading An ecologic study: pollution and prescribing?

Don’t taze the mad: A needed, uneeded regulation.

New Zealand has the Ombudsmen inspect, under legal frameworks and accountable, by treaties, to international groups, all locked units of whatever sort in New Zealand. The reports are around privacy, occupancy numbers (too high) and use of locked bedrooms. The issues we have a minor, compared with this: we use restraint and seclusion (locked rooms) … Continue reading Don’t taze the mad: A needed, uneeded regulation.


Neoreaction points out that the violence and protests come from the left. As Hearthie said a few days ago, anyone with eyes could have seen this coming. But he then follows with this, which is apropos: there is a generational shift, and Alinsky's rules are now inoperative. They cannot handle being livestreamed. Everyone, I think, … Continue reading Zhoutings.

There will he an accounting. [Mt 25]

How to deal with judgement -- for there is one thing our society preaches, and that is that we should not judge, in the most priggish manner. We don't have a problem with malnutrition in our society, but obesity: we don't have social controls, and we are getting less intelligent by the decade. Thank God … Continue reading There will he an accounting. [Mt 25]

Hermes is rotten

And all the old Gods have faded: this was a turning ago, and as this turning ends again the Gods of the age will become rotten and dank. And the name Lesbia will again refer to an island. Lesbia GROW weary if you will, let me be sad. Use no more speech now; Let the … Continue reading Hermes is rotten

Suicide, category errors.

One of the problems in my field is outcome scales: they are all proxy to what really interests us. Positively, we want people to get better (be well) or at least have recovery (Live well with disability). Negatively, we want to see less death, less disability, less disadvantage. But we use scales. And even on … Continue reading Suicide, category errors.

A converged echo-chamber.

New Zealand has state broadcasters. They provide commercial television and radio, and two public channels, the National Programme and Concert Programme. The second has good classical music. Which I generally don't listen to. At home, I use streaming media. I don't go to their website for news, but I do get posts from those who … Continue reading A converged echo-chamber.

Not talents nor fish. [Mt 25]

There is a lie in the prosperity gospel, which is that by prayer alone you will succeed. There is no need to risk, there is no need to work, that God will provide. The partial truth is that God does provide: he gives us the ability to work. To earn. To contribute. If you are … Continue reading Not talents nor fish. [Mt 25]