The data is against proana. The data is against fat acceptance.

When I last talked about eating disorders one of the registrars asked if obesity counted. I replied it should, but it was not as yet classified in DSM. There are a bunch of people who hate the idea that obesity is a metabolic disorder, and would descent with elephantine tread and placards if us psychiatrists … Continue reading The data is against proana. The data is against fat acceptance.

Structure or a micromanaged postmodern hell. [Col 3]

There are sins that beset us, and some are demographically diverse. They depend on you status and situation. Wives are tempted to control their husbands. When they micromanage their husbands, then there can be a sense of irritation. But wives matter: for they are mothers, and they make the next generation. Masters are told not … Continue reading Structure or a micromanaged postmodern hell. [Col 3]