Build your own sandbox. And pay for it.

Right... I do not go to feministing: Don't have to -- the neo-Christian ladies got there to get material and then present it in a more digestible form. However, when I want to allude to something or quote it, I tend to go and check the source. It's basic fairness. So I link through from … Continue reading Build your own sandbox. And pay for it.

Pancakes and troubles.

I made pancakes this morning. Last night I asked my younger son what he wants for breakfast. Tomorrow he turns 16 and (while the parenting order exists that expires on his 16th birthday) he has been directed by his mother using the order to visit her now his exams are over (last one yesterday) and … Continue reading Pancakes and troubles.

A (Toby Jones) fool speaks — if feminism cannot kill the church, he wants to shatter it.

I never thought I would see this. Never. Like a lot of lay people, I don't particularly want women preachers or elders. I consider the qualifications for elder-hood are quite patriarchal in the best sense of that word: you are expected to be the husband of one wife (the divorced and polygamous need not apply) … Continue reading A (Toby Jones) fool speaks — if feminism cannot kill the church, he wants to shatter it.

Revival or Blood (of the martyrs, on the streets).

I consider the holiness movement to he heretical. The idea that we can be perfect in this life is wrong. We continually have to deal with our besetting sins: our favourites -- the one we love. And yet this chapter has been used as a proof text. If you are ascetic enough, if you have … Continue reading Revival or Blood (of the martyrs, on the streets).

Serve the tyrants for the sake of the LORD.

Yesterday the besetting sin was wrath. The health board I do my clinical time with has over-spent: this is leading to difficulty with beds. And I was listening to a young man who was suicidal, and needed to be safe: finding him a bed to give him asylum, rest, treatment -- and knowing there were … Continue reading Serve the tyrants for the sake of the LORD.

Church when the civil magistrate is way off base.

Over in a discussion at SSM's last night I asked a question: in this matriarchal age, how should the church act? How should we real with people when the civil courts allows one to divorce at will? There is some basic theology we need to deal with first. And it's fairly simple, but does fly … Continue reading Church when the civil magistrate is way off base.

Discipline is not optional.

Some days you preach to yourself and some days the word confronts you. For this society affects us all. It tells us not to discipline ourselves: instead to love ourselves as we are. That to be fat is acceptable. That it's OK to accept yourself as you are (if a woman) and if you are … Continue reading Discipline is not optional.

Respect. Or quotage.

The geek in the wilderness is irritated by those who continually say things "in the name of Jesus". He's right, you know. You know what this sounds like? An incantation. The name of Jesus is now reduced to mere magical words one merely has to bellow in order to achieve the effect he’s looking for. … Continue reading Respect. Or quotage.

Haters to AntiChristianism

This is a photo of a sunset (and the pictures will change soon: I have finished processing around 170 electronic photos. It's time to send some film away. and start processing the stuff from the last month). However, yesterday I sat with a couple in student ministry for a coffee and to wish them well … Continue reading Haters to AntiChristianism

Quote of the week.

From Francis Paretto. If you want the true measure of a man, count his enemies. Gauge as best you can the depth of their venom toward him. This is merely an old law of human nature in operation: No one attacks the inconsequential. No storyteller has come in for more derision than Stephen King. He's … Continue reading Quote of the week.