The discipline of a lectionary.

One of the things I read yesterday was this advice from Jehu Teach your pastors to in general use the Scriptural Exposition method of preparing and delivering sermons.  Just like avoiding being alone behind closed doors with attractive young women that you're not married to, this greatly reduces the occasion of temptation when preaching.  The … Continue reading The discipline of a lectionary.

I better not travel via the US.

I have a warped sense of humour. Officials with forms make me want to tell them that these are not the droids they are looking for, or start singing something obscene about the current president. Note to any federal members of the No such agency -- YES my fingerprints and face are in your computer. … Continue reading I better not travel via the US.

Jesus did not play the guru game.

If anyone ever thinks Jesus did not speak difficult things, or cause offense, I suggest they read this passage. John 7:14-36 14About the middle of the festival Jesus went up into the temple and began to teach. 15The Jews were astonished at it, saying, "How does this man have such learning, when he has never … Continue reading Jesus did not play the guru game.

Despair and doubt do not damn.

Yesterday I laid into wimpy preachers, and went back to Calvin for some old, difficult and challenging teaching. Now, before I go to the text, I want to balance it with a statement about grace and our sovereign God. We love the doctrines of grace because they serve as the foundation on which the gospel … Continue reading Despair and doubt do not damn.

Ephesians 5.

I need context here. The Revised Common Lectionary -- which is used by almost every confessional church in the West -- sets readings each Sunday which are designed to move through the Bible over three years. Well, last Sunday it was a bit about wifely submission for the Catholic and Anglican Communions -- the RCL … Continue reading Ephesians 5.

Offensive speech.

I really am in two minds this morning on what to quote from the lectionary. There is part of Job which refers to wanting to die, and then there is this bit of the gospel. It would normally be entitled something like "this teaching is hard". But I am aware of the powers of censorship. … Continue reading Offensive speech.

Metaphor as metaphor.

A lot of people misinterpret the position reformed believers take regarding the communion of the saints as mere memorialarization and that we therefore disrespect this. Generally people who argue this way use the term Eucharist, but that is not totally reliable. The most firm position here is that taken by the Catholics -- of transubstantiation … Continue reading Metaphor as metaphor.

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-08-26

Resurrection will be for all, but you may not like it. # Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-08-19 # Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-08-19 # Who are your referees? What have you done? # Trust, honour… must not be mere fiction. # Against Rice Christians. # The problem with modern … Continue reading Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-08-26

The liberal poison and the helmet of salvation.

Spring has arrived this morning. It was eighteen degrees by noon, and to celebrate I am in shorts and barefoot. After Kirk we drove to a cafe, and got the first seeds for the spring planting of vegetables. The frost hardy things can go in now: we may have a snow yet to come, but … Continue reading The liberal poison and the helmet of salvation.

Twittering Liberal Wimps.

I open up webpages this morning to see what is going on in this world of ours... and srart swearing. Firstly Sunshine Mary enlightened us on Freaky Friday about transgender breast feeding. Then I look in the Herald and find again that they have gone to the most Liberal Presbyterians and Anglicans for justification of … Continue reading Twittering Liberal Wimps.