We should not put stumbling blocks in front of our children gaining a saving faith in Christ. Agree. But what are these stumbling blocks? The first is those who corrupt children, and call it good. We have taboos against such for good reason.
The second is those who call the perverse and degenerate progress, and natural love of family, village and friends not. There is always something cute in seeing children dressed up — from whatever nation. It is good that a child loves his nation. It is good that they have a father and mother who love them.
So a third stumbling block is those who destroy the family, and leave children vulnerable to despair and the reaver. We take away the fences, and then mourn that our children put stones around their necks and cast themselves into the sea [1].

This has been deemed racist and offensive
42“If any of you put a stumbling block before one of these little ones who believe in me, it would be better for you if a great millstone were hung around your neck and you were thrown into the sea. 43If your hand causes you to stumble, cut it off; it is better for you to enter life maimed than to have two hands and to go to hell, to the unquenchable fire. 45And if your foot causes you to stumble, cut it off; it is better for you to enter life lame than to have two feet and to be thrown into hell. 47And if your eye causes you to stumble, tear it out; it is better for you to enter the kingdom of God with one eye than to have two eyes and to be thrown into hell, 48where their worm never dies, and the fire is never quenched.
49“For everyone will be salted with fire. 50Salt is good; but if salt has lost its saltiness, how can you season it? Have salt in yourselves, and be at peace with one another.”
The liberals are in a spiral. They hate that there is a push back, driven by those who have seen this coming, and they demand that we expunge the warnings Christ put in the word. They want us to be polite, as they declare war. There is no place for such in the church.
John C Wright, a recovering Atheist [2], comments:
So any matter where the Leftists are clearly and factually in the wrong, the Leftists decree to be religious therefore unscientific therefore out of the bounds of public discussion.
Voila! The argument is whisked away, not to be visited again.
This is a feature, not a bug. Whisking away arguments without answering them is the heart and soul of Leftist thinking.
Escaping from conclusions concerns them. It is, indeed, their primary concern.
Leftism is not a political movement. Leftism is a psychological escape mechanism used to affirm one’s own unearned goodness, to excuse one’s own unearned expropriations and thefts, and to avenge the envy losers feel against winners, ignorant against educated, fools against wise, miserable against joyful.
This is why basic facts of biology, known to any gradeschooler, such as that men are male and women are female, or that no one is born homosexual, or such that the unborn offspring of human parents are human, are spirited away as if by elf magic into the neverneverland of being matters of religious opinion, ergo private, ergo never to be discussed.
Anyone who brings it up can be heckled and shouted down as a fanatic.
This includes the opinions of atheists who know elementary school biology, ethics, and logic and who come to conclusions inconvenient to the Devil’s Party.
Once you have established as an ineradicable axiom of the conversation that the only possible motive for holding a given position is irrational religious zealotry, then all men who independently come to that conclusion, including atheists, are dismissed as religious zealots.
I speak here from personal experience.
Lies are always a stumbling block. Yes, we lie. To protect ourselves from accusations we fear are true, from charges we know are true, and to tell ourselves we are righteous when we are not. The Christian has is correct: we can look at ourselves and see we are fallen. We have to choose daily to do the right, for our nature would lead us to outdo the Turk or the Viking.
The left say this is not nice, for that limits self-esteem. It is not time to be nice. And self-esteem is pride, which is a sin, or hubris, which is pride made toxic, claiming that we can be transitioned into what we are not.
It is time to be as Christ. A mate put this up on Facebook.
My “liberal” friends are suddenly clamoring for “civility”. This, after “liberals” rioted at college campuses, “liberals” rioted after the inauguration, “liberals” rioted during the election and the primaries, after decades of violently shutting down speech with which “liberals” disagree, and slandering decent Americans as racists, sexists, xenophobes, etc.
I warned you. Others warned you. Your fellow “liberals” changed the rules. When you shut down decent people for disagreeing with you, there will always be non-so-decent people ready to exploit the new rules, and you won’t like the results.
As usual, you refused to learn from history, and so, you’ve doomed us all to repeat it.
But, you say, you are putting politics up as a stumbling block! The stumbling block is not this! it is racism! it is your cisgendered heterosexual privilege! You are the stumbling block!
The stumbling block we face is saying we are justified and perfect. We are not Christ is.
We are here to preach Christ, and not the narratives of this age.
- Literally. New Zealand has the highest adolescent suicide rate in the Western world.
- I will cheer that he is a Papist, for he is of Christ.