Dr Who is not safe. Expect worse.

I am more of a Doctor Who fanboy than a Trekkie. Who, like Sherlock, works because the main protagonish has a little too much alien in him. There is always a malevolent and remote part to the character.

And gender matters. Holmes has to be male, conventional, and somewhat perplexed. If you change the gender there, as happened in elementary: Lucy Lui is good, but the entire writing is tone deaf.

The dynamic of Dr Who, despite all protests, is that of female companions falling for an alien who is masculine, and who does not return their love. He is a little too much of a hero, and a little too inhuman.

The better Doctors — and I would include Capelli in this group — know that. With Capelli, the social justice agenda had to flow to the supporting players. But the next doctor is a woman, and the left is rejoicing.

but this will not be enough. The SJW may have to go further. Not all the dynamics of our childhood, of the fiction from previous generations have been ruined. They have made batman a criminal and Spiderman gay.

But Bond remains, and the female heroes such as Wonder Woman. They too shall fall.

And the companies that ruin them will fall along with them.

4 thoughts on “Dr Who is not safe. Expect worse.

  1. The “safe” piece is important here. So many of my friends who think of themselves as “conservative” or “traditionalist” are ga ga over nerdy stuff like Dr Who and Harry Potter and they think this means they can still be part of the in crowd with their sophisticate friends and get the obscure references on Facebook.

    I’ve been saying this for a while now. ALL OF POP CULTURE is worthless. There are no safe havens. You must remove yourself from it completely.

  2. Wonder Woman will become a tranny & the show will be called Wonder If Its A Woman. Eddie Murphy will have a recurring role.
    Wonder woman will be in a wheelchair. She will fall in love with her annoying sidekick unicorn voiced by teh Murphy.

  3. A particular problem with this is that, in the Dr Who of the re-boots (David Tennant, Matt Smith, and Capaldi), the Doctor is essentially a Christ figure for atheists. Watch last season’s episodes “Heaven Sent” and ” Hell Bent.” It does not take too much imagination to see them as veiled references to the Crucifixion and the Decent into Hell. In one Christmas special, the Matt Smith Doctor sacrifices his life to defend the residents of a town named “Christmas.” In a previous season, while the Master held the Doctor captive, one of the companions went throughout the world preaching the message that there was only one name by which all humanity could be saved(!).

    It is tragic that this proto-evangelium is being ruined.

    Karl, I do read the bin. You posted this twice with different emails. I’m putting one up. You will be able to post using this address

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