Anti Puritan has some aphorisms up. Many are not congruent with truth: morals, for instance, do not depend on technology. But these are good.
To understand the state just realize that the market governs the state, not “the state governs the market.” Nothing is outside of the market.
The left is a totalitarian cult of religious fanatics. Offending them is an act of virtuous bravery, and damn fun too.
Serenity and outrage cannot exist in the same mind at the same time. If you want the one, you cannot have the other, and serenity is a better drug than outrage.
In the end it isn’t enough to be right. You have to be alive to rub it in your enemies faces. Liberalism destroys itself. Nothing so weak deserves to live, and survival is the minimum qualification for morality.
Don’t think I said that morals depend on technology, but technology definitely influences morals, especially “political morals.”