This is the Alt Right, one version. It is leaderless: it is using the tactics of Gamergate. As Vox noted, it is not about niceties: instead just rhetoric bomb the progressives with memes. But keep your memes based in the truth.
The truth may not set you free, but it will identify your problems.
It’s also a bit ironic that (((Shapiro))) should complain about President Obama redefining liberty and Justice Kennedy redefining the U.S. Constitution, considering that he and his (((co-religionists))) have shamelessly attempted to redefine both “America” and “Christian values” for over 100 years.
This is why the eventual triumph of the Alt-Right over conservatism and its panoply of ahistorical myths is inevitable. Our beliefs are rooted in well-documented history and are entirely in line with both reality and current events. Theirs are rooted in revisionist lies and romantic bathos, and are hopelessly out of sync with what can be readily observed by anyone.
In this the Alt Right has an advantage. Because what they say, called hate speech, isusually facts. Old facts. Most of us use patterns to keep ourselves safe: want to be with those like us, and know that the bloody wars of religion in the seventeenth century led to the nation sate and empire and freedom of conscience and enough liberty to experiment, fail, and build new things — from steam engines to asylums to deliberately separated communities.
But all this is anthems to the left, who mus tin all things follow their ideology to a converged stupidity and death.
These people are stupid and cowardly, but in a bizarrely self-destructive way. They invert all priorities. If you were to say “who is a greater threat to LGBT folks on campus” and ask them to compare random Americans who may or may not carry next to pro-Sharia refugees from Syria they would surely select the first group as the greater threat. Why, even speaking about the second would be terribly wrong and bigoted.
And you sit there, and ponder it awhile, wondering what sort of mental disease could be responsible for this peculiar brand of doublethink. I’m starting to call it “Anti-Think”. It’s like thinking, except in the exact opposing direction. It contains all the mechanisms of thinking, but reaches a destination in equal magnitude away from sense. If zero were to be not-Think, and 1 were to be Think, then Anti-Think would be -1. Anti-Think results in an objectively worse conclusion than not thinking at all.
Anti-Think hijacks ordinary thought processes and twists them in the opposing direction.
Anti-Think convinces these people that the greatest threat to, say, women’s rights is white males living in the United States. While, of course, bastions of Islamic fundamentalism are excused, and even celebrated as ‘liberating’ for women. Because wearing a massive black bag in the middle of the scorching heat is what freedom looks like. Whatever a sensible conclusion is, the Anti-Thinker will reliably choose the opposite view. “It can’t be the fault of the person who raped me,” says the Anti-Thinker, “the patriarchal conspiracy in a completely different country made this man to attack me.”
I don’t fit into the current Alt-right well. I see many of its ideas and agree with them: we need to rediscover that we are a nation based of Christendom, and that requires that we again have a plurality that believe in Christ, not the pale version of false Christiantiy which denies the gospel for progressive virtue signals.
I’d prefer the old imperial system. We can honour the King, worship God… and vote the local premier out. However, the British empire died before I was born, and the old colonies have generally gone backwards except where they kept the British ideas going… and even there progressivism is poisoning the wells with regulation upon regulation and the importation of a people who are opposed to the ideas of Christendom or freedom or free association, so that the progressive elite can farm their votes continually.
The Alt Right will win because the Left has driven the reasonable people to them. The conservatives are ineffective. The left is broken, failed, and fascist.
If the rhetoric, memes, and dialectic are allowed to flow. Otherwise, I predict there will be blood. It is far better that we (NZ included) look at our policies, see the damage they have done, and change. Now.