Mutterings (Brexit reactions)

Two quotes: one from Charles Stross, who is a tad annoyed that the UK voted to leave the pit of Mordor. Calling two thirds of Englishmen fascist is over egging the pudding somewhat, but… finding this stuff is easy: finding relatively coherent reactions is harder. This is about as coherent as things are today.

Okay, so the idiots did it; they broke the UK.

This is a book launch month and I should really be blogging about “The Nightmare Stacks” but British politics has just entered a nightmarish alignment and we’re in CASE NIGHTMARE TWEED territory. So book-related business as usual will resume tomorrow, after I’ve vented.

The Brexit referendum was initially a red herring; a proxy struggle for control of the Conservative Party, with Boris Johnson suddenly turning his coat to march in front of the Leave campaign because it offered his best — arguably his only — chance of winkling David Cameron out of Downing Street before his scheduled retirement in 2020, by which time Boris would be 59 (and by British standards too old to be a first-term Prime Minister).

But in the process of squabbling over their own party the euroskeptic Conservatives opened the door to the goose-stepping hate-filled morons of the extreme right. The results include the first assassination of an MP — unconnected with the Irish independence struggle — in nearly two centuries, an upsurge in racist attacks on minorities and the disabled, and finally a demented protest vote by the elderly (voters under 25 broke 75% for remain; the over-60s voted over 66% for leave).

He continues. His echo box continues. They all continue. Cameron did the decent thing and will resign: the SNP and Sinn Fein argued instantly for independence so they can again enslave their people to the EU, and the cries for other countries to leave will be ignored, because the EU won’t allow any more dangerous referendums. To prevent “fascism” they will be fascist.

And hence, the second quote, from another thread, about how people in Truefandom are looking for trigger warnings on books written by those, like Stross, who agree with the progressive agenda.

“Who are these pathetic emotional cripples?”

They are the elite who rule our legislature, our courts of law, our administration and police, the bureaucracy, the press, the entertainment industry, the Democrat Party, and, in the last two decades, the Science Fiction Writers of America, the Nebula, and the Hugo Awards.

They are the Left. They are the Mouth of Sauron and the voice of Nihilism.

They are the termites all the honest men were too busy or too lazy to exterminate out of our homes while the bugs gnawed through the load bearing members.

This elite is in a death spiral. Run from them.


This from the Telegraph.

There are young people complaining that the elderly voted to take them out of the EU, but why did they do that? Not for selfish reasons. At our polling station on Thursday morning, an exceedingly old, snowy gentleman moved with painful slowness towards the booth. We exchanged a few words. This, he said, was the last chance he would have to protect his country. He had done it before, when he was still a boy, the same age as my son. I can’t help it. When I think of him my eyes fill with tears.

Tandridge and Tendring and Taunton Deane. Sandway and Selby and Swansea and Swale. Maldon, Mansfield, Mendip and Merthyr. The forgotten people of Britain have found their voice. There’s bravery in that, and we are our best selves when the challenge is greatest. Together, in our country – no one else’s – we can start afresh.

4 thoughts on “Mutterings (Brexit reactions)

  1. Once, in a venue far away in time, I challenged Charlie Stross to define that word he used so freely, the word “Fascist”. He never did. He used up electrons freely, but he couldn’t define the word. He hurled up a lot of emotions, but he couldn’t define the word.

    I always meant to troll him with some slightly edited Mussolini works, because I believed than and moreso now that I could get a lefty like Stross to cheer for the ideas if they were shorn of the author and context. But more important tasks kept me from that.

    Now I don’t regret that, aside from the amusement factor, because I don’t think he would get the point. For all of his posing as thinker, Charlie seems to be a ball of emotions, as are other SJW writers.

    I do have one observation that I should throw his way.

    Rotherham voted solid Brexit. Gee, I wonder why?

    Anyone wants to take that rhetoric and run with it, be my guest.

    Again, Chris, I ask if you have read Biology of Desire, I would value your opinion on that book.

    • I like the Laundry series and Accelerando from Stross. Never quite got into his time trader series. Like a lot of Scottish writers (even though I think he grew up in North England) there is an emotional connection with socialism and a myth of equality under an elite. The parallels with their support of the Jacobites I leave for the reader.

      No, I’ve not read Biology of Desire but I’ve just got it on my Kindle so it will be read in the next few weeks.

      One comment (note it is unread) I don’t like Addiction as a metaphor for harmful use or withdrawal anyway.

  2. If the Scots are stupid enough to secede, Britain should let them – they won’t be admitted to the E.U., as Spain and France will block their entry (to not encourage the Basques, Catalonians, Provencals / Occitan, etc.). They’ll be completely on their own. That’d be fricking hilarious.

    And let the Norn Iron go; the only way Ireland will ever have a lasting peace is if it’s reunited. I like the idea of the Irish having to deal with Protestant ‘loyalists’ forever in their country, lol.

    Let the U.K. break, if it’s going to. It will be because of selfish prog Scots and Irish; let a new Kingdom of England be born (because the Welsh would no doubt leave; even Montenegro left Serbia…).

  3. Pingback: This Week in Reaction (2016/06/26) - Social Matter

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