Quote of the week.

From the political Hat, in particular applying to those who claim that you cannot disapprove of their perversions because tolerance and goodness and because that is rude.

The private actions of two individuals in the privacy of a private bedroom in a private house, indeed, does not directly affect others in the 1st degree. Re-writing social norms, mores, and folkways, however, does unequivocally affect others by the tyrannical and conniving mutation of society, taking advantage of and abusing the natural tolerance of a society that has become so used to great liberty with the concomitant wisdom to choose virtuously, in order to unintelligently design a utopia ex nihilo in vacuo that is antithetical and ablative of the very virtue and liberty that made such tolerance possible!

A “private” right ceases to become “private” when it impugns in any way, shape, or form on others, particularly in an intentional, economic, and political way.

It is better that the bedroom door is closed, that a man’s home is his castle, and godly living is proclaimed. We are all broken and sinners. We should not celebrate this.