
Neoreaction points out that the violence and protests come from the left. As Hearthie said a few days ago, anyone with eyes could have seen this coming. But he then follows with this, which is apropos: there is a generational shift, and Alinsky’s rules are now inoperative. They cannot handle being livestreamed.

Everyone, I think, senses something different, something large and vibrating and vaguely menacing, coming down the pike. I recently finished Jon Meacham’s semi-hagiography of George H.W. Bush and I was struck by Bush’s bewildered reaction to his loss to Bubba in 1992: How could America elect a draft-dodging, in-your-face serial liar and shameless philanderer over a man who’d volunteered to go in harm’s way, had his plane shot out from under him by the Japs and done his conscientious best to serve the nation for 30 years?

The answer, of course, was that Bubba and Mrs. Clinton and their friends in the media who’d gone to Harvard and Yale with them had finally got into positions of influence to make their ’60s-’70s Frankfurt School/Rules for Radicals dreams into realities. All of that Old School crap about Duty, Honor, Country was now inoperative. The Republican Party subsequently nominated a series of decent, moderate men, only one of whom could win, and that mainly because of the manifest weaknesses of his opponents.

Which brings us to the Current Year.

“People who are scared will act…”

At present it is the elite who are scared. Of the murmuring populace. They are mobilizing their shock troops: they want their red guards. And they are shouting because they fear the quiet talk of the common man.

3 thoughts on “Zhoutings.

  1. Scott had a good post about this on FB today. Our country is becoming terrifyingly polarized. Not, oddly, so much actual folks – but actual folks are being encouraged not to engage with the other team, just vilify them, “other” them…. and never rest, never give in. “Sow the wind, reap the whirlwind” indeed.

  2. At present it is the elite who are scared. Of the murmuring populace. They are mobilizing their shock troops: they want their red guards. And they are shouting because they fear the quiet talk of the common man.

    Their days are numbered. They know it. We know it. They know that we know it. Thus the backs-to-the-wall overreactions, the metastasis of the instruments of tyranny, the covert (or so they choose to believe) mechanations designed to sow confusion, discord, and distrust. Unfortunately for them, technology has provided a light that shines on the roaches’ nest, causing the panicked creatures to scurry in all directions.

    That which cannot continue will not continue. Santayana was right, however, and each new generation must learn this for themselves, humans being what they are, without a collective long-term memory.

  3. Pingback: This Week in Reaction (2016/07/17) - Social Matter

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