
The pointing and shrieking at the SJW list has started. Time to bookmark it: HR need to know their own, and hire them: the lords of the company, who know that such are parasites, should not this also so they dehire the SJW and the HR droid who hired them in the first place.


The problem with SJWs is you’re likely to discover yours when she files a ten bazillion dollar lawsuit because people find her complicated pronoun system too bothersome to, well, bother with.

Vox is right – the absolute best thing that could happen is companies on that side of the culture wars hire from this list… and then grind to a halt arguing over petty, unintended slights, exactly who belongs where on the oppression totem pole, and whether or not everyone got raped in a meeting because the manager didn’t praise them enough (Answer? yes. Always). And that’s before the lawsuits.


But this is unfair. Well, as the Ur-SJW, Helen Clarke once said, Diddums.

You are trying to split hairs, and your contortions aren’t at all convincing. You can dislike SJWs and also dislike Vox Day, and still recognize that someone who got attacked (and is helping others who also get attacked) has every moral right to insist on appropriate consequences for those who started it. That’s how you teach a bully to stop, after all.

This isn’t a blacklist. This is just breaking out flashlights and shining it on the cockroaches. That you dislike the guys holding the flashlights doesn’t make the cockroaches any less disgusting.


As if this is not happening on the other side of the fence. The SJW list is something you have to earn your way onto by trying to get someone dumped out of a job. No documentation, no deal. The documentation is linked. Bullying… is taking it somewhere else. For it is in the eye of the beholder.

Many people would say that listing the fact that they have tried to get someone sacked for their political or religious opinions is bullying. A standard bullying tactic: one used by this kickstarter.

Somewhere between cells phones and technology (and the extinction of the VHS tape maybe) we’ve managed to create a culture of online-bullying, which was totally cool never, so it’s time we put an end to it once and for all.

How not cool is this?

There have been so many amazing organizations before us who have made (and continue to make) significant strides and efforts to not only create awareness, but to push through to legislation to affect change.

But we thought, “instead of trying to stop it, why don’t we try to capture it?”.

Because what’s the number one defense people use when they are making awful, nasty comments online?

“I’m exercising my first amendment rights”

Can’t argue that one, so let’s instead help them magnify those freedoms. Let’s launch a database where we capture them exercising those rights and create digital records for them that anyone can access.

Yup. We consider ourselves to be patriots.

(This is the part where we address your immediate concerns.)

Important to note: We do not allow any commenting on our site because we do not want to host a platform for any bullying ourselves. Our database also cannot be searched by keyword (i.e, homophobia, racism, etc) which means a self-proclaimed vigilante would be unable to round up a specified group of online offenders.

(Okay this is the part where we tell you where your money is going.)

Thus far we have worked to collect data and create about 22,000 profiles from individuals that are surprising all over the employment spectrum (doctors, teachers, lawyers, you name it).

With your backing, we can take a break and go shopping, because we are women and that would be fun for us.

Just kidding.

With your backing, we can expand our team of web analysts in order to create profiles at a faster rate, as our goal is to launch the database at 150,000 profiles. We will immediately apply your funding to hiring a team of paid interns for the summer, and our continuing web development. We will devote all remaining funds toward our legal team, which we are going to need intact when we bring this site live.

This will not end well. This is one (of many) kickstarters you should avoid. Avoid hiring those who would sack their co workers because they disagree with them. Let us have freedom of speech. We may be then be able to speak the truth to evil, and get some good done.

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