On works (and love).

I slept in this morning. I woke up, and rolled over. I stumbled out of bed at the same time Church was starting. (This is not difficult: the kirk community I belong to meets at 8:30 AM).

Talked to  the boys when they woke. We will go tonight… but looking at today’s readings. the vexed issue of works rises up again.

I John 2. 10,11

Whoever loves a brother or sister lives in the light, and in such a person there is no cause for stumbling. But whoever hates another believer is in the darkness, walks in the darkness, and does not know the way to go, because the darkness has brought on blindness

via Daily Lectionary Readings — Devotions and Readings — Mission and Ministry — GAMC.

This is where we have to be so careful. We must be honest, discreet, wise, trustworthy and caring. The term love here implies wanting the best for everyone.

This is extremely hard. You have to let the fruit of bitterness and hurt go: if you want the best for a person — indeed someone who has deeply hurt you — you have to lose the hurt. This has been taken by some to mean that we should not be honest about the hurt.

I commented to a friend that I find it hard to go to places where my ex habitually goes and I used to go because it raises in me feelings of anger, resentment and bitterness. This includes the church where she used to go. When I visit that town, I worship with my parents. Elsewhere. Fellowshipping with her is hard.

I’m aware of the problems she has now and I hope that she can sort them out. I have offered to help her… .even though we are divorced, they would impact on me and the lads.  I truly hope that she finds happiness in celibacy or with someone else.  But it has taken four years to reach that point.

And we cannot drag our darkness into the light. We have to let it go.

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