The Zing is not love [I Peter 2]

We have been told a lie. That love is lust. Or the "Zing". Now, desire and longing and romantic love are important, but in this quite stupid movie I prefer the wolfman, who cares for his kids rather than this celebration of taking a mundane and… Read More

The dialectic of submission. [Rom 13]

I got a good scolding at music yesterday. One son is about to go to the high school prom -- having avoided it for years, he was ambushed in such a manner where he said yes and is now not looking forward to shopping for a suit. I'm amused. So I got a… Read More

The zombiod left.

Some mornings things happen that make one somewhat happy in a mocking kind of way. Some mornings the evil and stupidity in the world is obvious, and some times things are obviously going to be punished. Some times things come into the… Read More