The 12-Step Plan to Restore American Femininity – Taki’s Magazine

Just read this… hat tip Katie.

Here is the beginning.

Like firing a fetus from a slingshot, feminism catapulted women out of the kitchen and onto the streets, where they were invited to do anything a man can do—but better. This was a blessing for the few women meant to lead a man’s life, but for the vast majority of womankind, it was like that human cannonball from the Isle of Man who died after being catapulted across the sky and right through his safety net.

As this fascinating article by the Daily Mail‘s Liz Jones explains, feminism hasn’t relieved women of any female obligations; it’s only added male obligations to their burden. The kitchen may have been a prison, but it was a hell of a lot easier than staying at the office all night to prepare the PowerPoint presentation for the Clifford account, especially when you have to make the kid’s lunches the next day. Women now get the worst of both worlds.

And here is the end.

Be a woman. Men are numbers-obsessed robotic brutes who have no interest in miracles and beauty and all the other things that make life worth living. If you really want to go over spreadsheets with us and discuss sweat equity while lifting cinderblocks, welcome aboard. But if you’re among the other 99% of women, stop resisting your biological traits. Unless you’re a guy, there’s no shame in being a girl.

via The 12-Step Plan to Restore American Femininity – Taki’s Magazine.

The bits in between are funnier.