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11 thoughts on “God rules the church.”

  1. When I look around me, I tend to say, “Come swiftly, Lord Jesus!” and then when I look at the individuals whose salvation I am urgently praying for (the list gets longer every day) I say, “But not until ….”

    I am glad I am not in charge. Which is, I suppose, why my most tearful prayers always end with the words, “Thy will be done”.

    Are you among those whose theology includes the pre-Trib eschatology, and if so, what do you think is the position of the unsaved during the Trib?

    • I am niether pre trib or post trib. I think that we need to pay great attention to the letters of the church and let God fulfil the prophecies.

      I have a sneaking suspicion that Jesus will be correcting quite a few dispensationalists when he returns. None of us understand the mind of God.

  2. Should the muslims in the west reach critical mass. Prepare for mass beheadings in a church near you.

  3. Oh golly yes. I’m really looking forward to having all my errors corrected and never having to worry about a) a sin nature and b) if I’ve got what I’m supposed to be doing right ever again, through all eternity.

  4. @pukeko

    Do you think the church would likewise experience explosive growth if under soviet style oppression like in soviet Russia.

    In those countries people simply disappeared. Erased from history books, all pictures of them gone. Died in “Accidents” or committed “Suicide”

    As far as I can tell those countries. Under Communist regimes seem to make the exception to the rule of explosive church growth until its fall. As the martyrdom seem to be well hidden away from any observers through secrecy.

    • The trouble is that the church grows explosively under oppression but does not cope well with modernity. And the gulag ideas ran Russia — you never believed a rumour until it had been confirmed with an official denial.

      The church is growing is Islamic countries. But that is not happening… officially.

  5. Enlightened Modernity tends to kill all genuine religions. It leaves either corrupted religion in its wake, perversion or a former shell of itself.

    • Nah, that is the standard whiggish narrative of infinite progress. The whigs have been proclaiming the death of religion for the last 400 years, before the birth and death (and fossilization in the house of Lords) of the Whig party.

  6. When we see real persecution in the west then we’ll see the shape of the Church. Its not going to look like Sunday tea and coffee as we now know it. It will bring the faithful to life as it always has. It won’t be nice but it will be living for the Kingdom and I pray I will have the courage to do what is expected.

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