WordPress woes.

I have had some feedback that the pro mixed marriage post does not allow comments. I've checked: it does not, but when I try to edit the switches I cannot switch it back on. So... time for some controversy.  I will post this (and then… Read More

God is not evil, nor should we be.

There has been a lot of talk about behaviour and what is the correct way to deal with controversies and poor behaviour among the Christian intertubes. Some people say that if you blog you are going to be outed and criticized. That people should just… Read More

No free passes

One of the problems within the evangelical wing of the church -- particularly the US wing -- is that we have become more fashionable. We now give certain groups a pass: we do not call them on their behaviour. And here it does not really matter which group.  For God does not show any partiality.
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Above the parapet.

Human nature is nowhere near perfect. Says me, who holed up in his hotel room last night because the jet lag had hit like a ton of bricks. (was in bed, Asleep. At 2100, instead of being at a conference dinnter that ended at 0130). People have… Read More

The cult of death, or the tabernacle of life.

As I've been travelling I have been re reading Spengler, On Kindle. On my phone -- which is barely doable, I prefer a real book or a real Kindle. I've ended up buying books -- but he talks about when a society loses hope personal pleasure becomes the only thing that protects one from a sense that we will die. And this is infecting,Read More

An empty Cathedral

I have spent the last 48 hours travelling. I am now at the most northern university town in the world, having spent most of the day walking around Helsinki. In the rain. As is my habit, I tried to visit at least the cathedral -- there are two in Helsinki, a Lutheran and Orthodox one. The Orthodox… Read More

Who promised prosperity?

There are many out there who promise prosperity in this life if one is wise and righteous. Many. But not Christ.
Matthew 16:21-28
21From that time on, Jesus began to show his disciples that he must go to Jerusalem and undergo great…
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