This is a comment from Mangan’s and it comes in the context of Dalrocks’ argument that over the last 40 years the conservatives have accomodated women’s wishes (particularly their daughter’s wishes) without any condemnation until we have ended up in a situation where men are walking away.
Commentator Dan said
There is a solution, and it is as radical as feminism. That solution is hard religious orthodoxy to the point of fundamentalism.
I am in a religious marriage and I would have to call myself thoroughly happy. I went to an Ivy League University and graduated with honors. I am a fairly successful federal employee. We will soon have four kids so far and she is just thirty. There are no plans yet to stop having kids. My tribe is increasing. My parents delightedly help with every bone in their body. They love the grandkids.
My wife is much better looking at me, is college educated and can answer many more jeopardy questions than me.
And so it will be in the world. Nature bats last and she bats 1.000. Demographics is destiny. Liberal ‘mainline’ Christian denominations were 2/3 of American Christianity
a century ago, and that is now down to 1/3, with more fundamentalist Churches making up the difference. In Israel the Ultra Orthodox are shooting upward from a fringe to the group that politically owns the country.
Men can take control of this. Just don’t be afraid to be single for a while. Work your butt off to get degrees and a good job and otherwise become desirable and then make traditional-mindedness a core criterion. Don’t dabble with dating anybody who is not a good candidate your traditional wife. And tell her your plans for her to be your stay-at-home-while-the-kids-are-small motherly wife clear early. If it scares her away or freaks her out, good. She won’t waste your time or your money.
Well Dan is correct. For the young Christian man… only marry a woman who is prepared to live a traditional life, and be in a church where being a traditional wife is actively supported, divorce is shunned, and putting down husbands is also shunned.
However… you have to isolate yourselves from the poison. And here I don’t mean HBO (close to porn) or romantic novesl (porn) or Porn porn. I mean the whispers. The romantic comedies about finding oneself, The idea that you can get fat, go pagan, and you will be swept off your feet by a younger, tighter Romeo. You have to shut your roaming eye.
And this message needs to be taken on board by women. Men know that. They agree to cleave to her and her alone. While they guard their eyes, women have to guard their ears. From the co worker who puts down men. From the stories of divorce being justified. From the rationalisation that the kids will do OK.
You both need to be fundamentalist, Liberalism is dying out. You must take a religious beleif to confront and beat ideologies of this world and the religions that will oppress and destroy you for your faith. A lax beleif is as lethal as bringing a knife to a gun fight.
The demographic writing is on the wall. We need to be more like the Amish or the Hasidim than the current Archbishop of Canterbury.