It is my duty and priveledge to be raising two boys. This limits what I do to a certain extent, but they are in their mid teens and there is some social pressure on them to interact with girls. As son one says… it takes time away from gaming.
Now, I am putting no pressure on them. If they remain without a girlfriend until they are in their 20s, I’d be happy. In fact I would rrather they were sharing a flat with fellow geeks as Sheldon does with Lionel in Big Bang Theory.
Because dating a Penny is too risky. The field has moved too far, and men are left with no constancy in their relationships. Even the more pro marriage and conservative branches of the church are facing far too many divorces and solo mothers… and not confronting the women in the church, which means that “good girls” are just as likely to leave you as “bad girls”.
(This is appalling for young women who are chaste. There is far more pressure on them to compromise, and there is a sense of mistrust about any person who claims to have not slept with any other person after a ridiculously young age. We are insulting those women who are godly by not confronting ungodly behaviour and assuming that all women are like that.)
But I’m raising boys. I tell them that if they sleep with someone, they better be prepared to raise that woman’s child. I also tell them that when you sleep with someone your sense of discernment about their godliness and behaviour disappears. There is a reason we should not play around until we are married.
Until then, Sheldon (or Amy FF) is a far better model than Penny.