The Christmas Rush…

Last couple of days have been busy @ work and at home. I have sent a protocol to Cochrane for consideration: their peer review system is extremely rigorous and I do not think it will be approved as such. In addition, a project recieved funding, which means that I need to get ethics approval and hire a part time research assistant.

Tomorrow son number two finishes school for the year. His prize-giving is in the morning: I have a performance review in the afternoon. We are having people around for Christmas Cake and coffee that night — in part to celebrate the end of the year.

It seems, at least in New Zealand, that at this time one is continually busy. In part this is because it is the end of the academic and professional year: nothing much happens from Christmas until February. when the schools go back. However, editors on the other side of the world — want revisions submitted and peer reviews done before Christmas.

I can see the collapse coming. On the 27th, when the last Christmas party is over, and all the progeny are under one roof, I intend to spend two weeks swimming and playing with the offspring. However, my mother wants to spend time with them as well — if being a grandfather is good, being a great-grandmother is golden.

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