Hi Andrew: If they are yours, you have to sack them.

There is an old saying in my field — respondat superior. It means that the senior member of the team is responsible for those below him.For she is supervising the other members of the team

And if something goes wrong, she is responsible. It does not appear to apply to the elite (I was going to say the “left elite”, but that is redundant). Two people have been arrested for voting irregularities. From the herald.

The irregularities involved people outside of Auckland, but related to the Papatoetoe ward in south Auckland, investigation head Detective Inspector Mark Gutry said last month.

Two men, aged 36 and 39, both of Papatoetoe, have been jointly charged with forgery and will appear in the Manukau District Court today.

Further charges would follow and it was possible more arrests would be made, Mr Gutry said.

Police had been working closely with the Electoral Enrolment Centre to ensure a credible and democratic process in the upcoming local body election, he said.

Despite the arrests, the investigation was expected to continue for some time.

Labour president Andrew Little told Radio New Zealand today he understood one of the accused had links his party.

Last month he said if the police investigation revealed any member of Labour was involved the party would take appropriate action internally.

via Two arrested in voter enrolment probe – Super City – NZ Herald News.

Now, if the person is convicted, there must be a public disavowal of the person. At least.

If the integrity of that election is ruined by these actions, there should be a second election. And the leadership of the Auckland Labour Party — or RAAM , or whoever, will need to resign with the person involved.

Because we cannot tolerate corruption in these processes. Otherwise, be become Obama’s America.

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