Truth subverts all regulation.

Yesterday evening my son decided I needed a good discussion. Or he did. But the topic was why do some nations continue throughout history and others do not. He has two hypotheses: one is that the West promoted individual responsibility -- the… Read More

Love is offensive. (Patti Smith on the side)

It is going to be difficult to write about the text today. We had a tragedy locally over the summer and it's just been written up in the Herald.  A man, separated form his wife and children, murdered the children and then suicided. The Herald has Read More

We live in a fascist era. (Leonard Cohen’s Traitor)

This week is orientation week. As part of that there was a live showing of a satirical TV show that my boys like called Seven Days. It was held about a mile from where we live: the oldest boy did not attend (why spend $25 to be in a crowd and… Read More

Duty, Honour, Love.

Yesterday I had a very long conversation with my son. It started with the idea of shunning. Going to Coventry. Not speaking to those who break the rules of society. For the rules of society are not its laws. Consider prostitution. This is legal in… Read More