The turning of the worm.

This world is wonderful, and every day there are more cool and creative things done. We should celebrate them, but instead we moan and complain because they do not fit entirely within our world view. This is most apparent in social media, such as Twitter, where the SJW are now censoring streams because their world view is fading, as the cycle turns, and the next generational shift is upon us.
Screenshot from 2014-11-18 22:38:41
Grerp does not say very much, but when she speaks it is generally a good idea to listen. She is talking in part about the SJW warfare, and how it has backfired on the clickbait merchants, particularly Gawker, that deliberately inflame the internet in the hope that you will go to their site and see all the advertisements while your ears are tickled with the latest scandal, the latest false outrage.

People who are active online should know that it’s not a safe place, and it’s not only unsafe in the sense that there are pedophiles waiting to talk to kids in chatrooms. It’s unsafe in the sense that everything is archived and can be called up to use as a weapon in any future conflict. And there are apparently thousands of mean or mentally unstable people waiting impatiently for the right opportunity to do just that.

What is Twitter? If you consider the hundreds of millions of people every day who tweet things via this medium – most of it is nothing but air. It’s the equivalent of bar conversations, only every conversation is public, not in the sense that it’s being “heard” in real time, but that it’s recorded, and can be played back, minus any context at any future date.

But I find the process of this fascinating. It is like watching a horror movie: it is horrible and fascinating all at the same time. The children of the elite, told that nothing matters but their feelings, are finding that this does not work. And when people argue back, they cannot handle it. The irony is that I was reading apologetics earlier this evening, and that is nothing but logic, reason, appealing to facts, and not digging into the morass that is postmodern thought.

My only sensible theory at this point
is that there’s a massive wave of cognitive dissonance running through the special entitled ones. After years of the rest of us being polite and not calling them out on either their stupidity or their assumption that the rest of the world should conform to their idea of how things should be, we’ve had enough and we’re telling them to stop. Worse, we’re telling them where they can put their entitled belief (Slice. Sideways, and without lube).

They, who have been taught that all that matters is the feels and that logic and facts are the tools of the patriarchy – and as a result lack the ability to realize that without those “tools of the patriarchy” most of their world simply goes away. The computers: they run on logic. All the technology we take for granted: built on observation, logic and experiment – have no way to handle being smacked in the face with anything that doesn’t support their worldview.

To some extent I pity them. This has to be hellishly traumatizing for them. But at the same time, their nonsensical beliefs are destroying everything I value, so I can’t be merciful. That’s my choice, and my penance. I just hope I won’t have to go to the blood in the streets level to defeat them.

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But these people have to be confronted for their own sake. We all make our own hell, bu making one out of snobbery, priggishness and sheer hatred is horrid, and all should be spared that. (And I assume Zanax is some form of zombie benzodiazepine)

The SJWs say they stand for equality. Only they don’t. That’s a smoke screen. They are champions of diversity, provided that everyone is diverse in exactly the same approved manner. At their core they are petty, vengeful, tyrannical thought police, who simply can’t abide someone sinning. They’re an unholy cross between puritans and communists, with a heavy dose of Zanax, and severe self-esteem issues.

Social Justice Warriors are control freaks. Nothing more. Their bizarre antics have given true feminists a bad name. Their mad accusations of racism against anything and everything causes real racism to get lost in the background noise. By accusing well meaning, good intentioned individuals of horrible crimes, they legitimize and empower the real criminals.

Gamergate, and the loss of sponsorship of the most snarky sites, is the start of the turn. Expect more. The next turning will not be progressive. And being like the SJW will be increasingly bad for your health: if you follow them the mad will consider you a fool, for they recollect what it is to be sane, and you have thrown it away.

4 thoughts on “The turning of the worm.

  1. The commenters on that site are irredeemably fucked up.

    Especially Shadowdancer “women deserve to be punched in the face for insulting some jerk’s clothes” Duskstar and Bobtheregisterredfool, who thinks that breeding factories, or at the very least, making things difficult for childless women and limiting women’s access to education.

    1. The SJW are bad: and those comments are minor. Suggest you go to Judgy of you want to get your daily dose of invective, Janet swears continually but she is witty in the process.

    1. Simple. All new commentators go into mod: if reasonable they are approved. There is an extensive black list of words that ping you into spam.

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