I despise woman’s studies.

I generally like women, as individuals. The ideology of thinking that they are in some way pure, holy or righteous (and that men are not) is laughable, if they women who promote this did not take it so seriously. But when we reach reductio ad absurdam, then you quote. This is Gold, pure Gold.

That is, ladies, maybe it’s not a coincidence that the same men who want to ensure your unborn child can be turned into medical waste — or who feel your vote (not to mention your sexual favors) can be bought in exchange for “free” birth control — are the very men who treat you like a collection of damp holes into which they can stick themselves without regard for your feelings, their principles, or basic human decency. The Kennedys, the Clintons, the Weiners, the Spitzers — maybe they have a natural home in a party that is always thinking of ways to transform female sexuality into a meaningless mechanism, and devising ways to fund that transformation with other people’s money.

It’s too bad really. I’m sort of fond of women, speaking generally. I know some guys have a problem with them, but taken as a sex, they’ve been really nice to me, all things considered. Sad to see them fall under the sway of a party that, both personally and politically, treats them like so many pieces of meat

The Captain is the son of a preacher man. He reached for his pulpit, and his pen was tipped with acid as he drafted. Preach it, brother.

I wonder if they have any souls left or if all they have left is wishing and clinging onto the chance they can ride to positions of power off of their cheating husband’s coattails.

And then what? Does that Secretary of State desk hug you back at night? All those cocktail parties at the taxpayers dime make up for the fact you were, still are, and will forever be a political whore? I can only imagine the rocking chair time on the patio these ladies will have with their hubbies at the government paid-for-nursing home.

Want to talk about worthless human beings. Sheesh.

People are worth more than your model of people. And the women’s studies model of mankind is so flawed. This is from the very excellent Girl writes what.

According to radical feminists, the drastic technological and economic changes that occurred during the last century–medical advances that virtually eliminated deaths in childbirth and drastically decreased infant and child mortality rates, changes that rendered the workplace as comfortable and safe as your living room, safe and reliable birth control, industrialization, automation, prosperity, plenty and an unprecedented level of individual security–none of this has anything to do with anything. Even prior to those changes, during a history in which a woman might spend half her adult life pregnant or nursing children, where most labor was gruelling, dangerous and simply beyond the physical capabilities of women, where life was often brutal and brief, and where men bore a legally enforceable obligation to provide for the material needs of all family members, the fact that men bore the economic authority as well as all the economic burdens of a family was a system specifically designed to disempower women.

According to radical feminists, your grandfathers and great grandfathers were rapists and slave-masters who exploited, subjugated and violated the women who were nearest and dearest to them–their own mothers, sisters, wives and daughters. According to radical feminists, every atrocity ever committed throughout all of history can be laid at the door of normative masculinity, but every male-generated advance–calculus, alternating current, the telegraph, the transistor, radio, penicillin, the number system, hydro-electricity, microwaves, fiberglass, the theory of relativity, the periodic table, trigonometry, insulin, canned foods, vaccines, fire retardant, teflon, wireless communications, the microchip, the birth control pill and even tampons–is a result of men intentionally holding women back, keeping women down, refusing to allow women to achieve, and hogging all the power and glory.

You see how this all works? All the evils of history, admittedly committed mostly by men are evidence of men’s oppressive natures. And all the advances of civilization, because they were generated almost exclusively by men, are equally evidence of men’s oppressive natures. Even the exceptional and wonderful things men achieved that have benefitted all of us, are not evidence that men embody anything good. In fact, they demonstrate the opposite. They are evidence that the “old boys’ club” modern feminists complain about today dates all the way back to the pleistocene, when women would have eagerly hunted mastodon with babies strapped to their breasts, and carved back a jungle filled with leopards and bears, if only men had not enslaved them and thereby deprived them of the opportunity to do so.

This is what they believe. This is what ideological feminism IS. It describes women’s experience through all of history as identical to the experience of blacks under slavery. You know, actual oppression, subordination and exploitation without any compensatory benefit.

That model, when written plainly, is obviously one. big. lie. To sit there and make an academic study of this, to demand that all science is fitted into that narrative, as if we are all Lysenko. We used to call such people fascists.

And fascists deserve nothing more than score, derision, and scathing contempt.


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