The manosphere can turn into a whining bitchfest, with players complaining that the women they pick up in a bar are skanks. Skanks. Live. In. Bars. The feminist movement abjures any responsibility for behaviour.
The old rules of self denial, fidelity and mutual submission are lost in the clamour for rights and a narcissistic demand the the most extreme ideas are validated unless we lose our self esteem.
And the institutions of our world cause pain. Over lunch a bunch of us compared our experiences of dealing with the family court. None of us were happy. All of us are cynical. Most of us are not in relationships, because any form of love or trust or nobility is punished in the western word.
Sod that. We want this
To be a man is to be born with the obligation of earning our livings and supporting our families in the sweat of our faces. To be a man under God is to labor with our bodies, minds, souls, and hearts for others and to learn from Jesus Christ the duties of “love’s austere and lonely offices.” We are to provide, not merely the material things of this world that pass away, but more importantly, the things of the spirit that last forever, as God will give us the grace and power so to do. This is what we vow at baptism, at confirmation, in matrimony, and in holy orders, wherever and however God calls us to his service as men.
Can such a life be possible? It is not, if we surrender to the same false doctrines of self-esteem and self-regard that have befuddled my students and so many like them, depriving them of the example and presence of godly men. It is not, if we waste our lives living to please and to amuse ourselves. It is not, if we are waiting to be thanked or honored in this world for doing our duty. But a life of genuine manhood is possible, if we look to the source and perfect image of all manly virtue, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ hanging on the cross.
via The Continuum: The Austere Offices of Manhood.
The write of the above reflected that the only bit of the poem below that young men he knows can see is the anger in the house.
Those Winter Sundays
Sundays too my father got up earlyand put his clothes on in the blueblack cold,then with cracked hands that achedfrom labor in the weekday weather madebanked fires blaze. No one ever thanked him.I’d wake and hear the cold splintering, breaking.When the rooms were warm, he’d call,and slowly I would rise and dress,fearing the chronic angers of that house,Speaking indifferently to him,who had driven out the coldand polished my good shoes as well.What did I know, what did I knowof love’s austere and lonely offices?
The manosphere can turn into a whining bitchfest, with players complaining that the women they pick up in a bar are skanks.
I’ve noticed this attitude [double standard?] and it is quite annoying.
I mean, how can so many men have the audacity to say “all women are like that” when the only women they’re interacting with are drunk skanks in a bar?
Good girls aren’t that difficult to find; even in America. Men just need to learn to search for potential significant others in places beside the bar. Men need to learn to pursue women that don’t look like obvious skanks.
I want to have sympathy for the manosphere, it’s just so many guys whine about sluts cheating on them or dumping them. It’s like they’re the male equivalent of girls that only date jerks!
Pukeko does not have double standards. He says to daughter not to date jerks and is glad she’s married to someone decent. He says exactly the same thing to his boys. And (since Pukeko is solo) he does not go to the local watering hole to find someone to hold. The only way to expect your child to have high standards is to model them.
Pukeko does not have double standards. He says to daughter not to date jerks and is glad she’s married to someone decent. He says exactly the same thing to his boys. And (since Pukeko is solo) he does not go to the local watering hole to find someone to hold. The only way to expect your child to have high standards is to model them.
Oh no, I wasn’t accusing you of having double standards. Obviously you’re an intelligent Christian father. I meant the typical manosphere gamer that thinks “all women are like that”.
Anyway, I’m just upset Dalrock had the nerve to suggest Paige was somehow wrong for expecting her sons to remain chaste.
Even if Dalrock isn’t religious, doesn’t he realize sex outside of marriage has moral consequences?
I’m not him, but I defend marriage. (I liked being married, even when it was difficult. The details of it falling apart are still affecting my boys two years after they came to live with me.)
And, yes, Sex outside marriage has consequences. Such as not being able to lead and losing one’s spiritual authority. And decreasing the chance that you marriage will work. The two generations above you have right royally ruined themselves. Society says you should follow their example. I suggest that you all take this as a warning
The two generations above you have right royally ruined themselves. Society says you should follow their example. I suggest that you all take this as a warning
I’m a relatively decent individual. My parents raised me to take personal responsibility for the [hopefully few] bad decisions I make in life.
If I married my boyfriend and had kids with him…gosh, I wouldn’t be able to misbehave to the point of causing a divorce. That would be such a selfish immature thing to do. I’d feel too guilty, causing loved ones to suffer…
I think so many marriages fail these days because women are encouraged to behave selfishly. They mistake selfish behavior for “empowered” behavior.
Although what Dalrock suggested [young men can sleep around; it's completely young ladies' fault the SMP is so screwed up!] sounded just as selfish and immature…
Nice site btw, not a Christian myself, however you don’t come off as self righteous which is quite a relief. Now for this;
“I mean, how can so many men have the audacity to say “all women are like that” when the only women they’re interacting with are drunk skanks in a bar?”
While there are many dudes who make such a mistake, the sad thing is that there are also quite a large number of women who are still ‘like that’ even though they don’t frequent nightclubs and the like. That’s the issue, the ‘Not All Women Are Like That’ is seen as a dodge because so many women are like that and the ones who aren’t still defend them.
I’ll have to re-read Dalrock’s post on sex economics, but I didn’t get the impression he was saying that it was okay for a guy to be a stud and sleep around while a woman needed to stay chaste. I think he was referring to the biological fact that a man who has casual sex may see his sexual market value increase while it drastically decreases a womans.
This is simply biology, but humans are better than animals and can hold ourselves to a higher standard, or we are supposed to.
In the end, I do believe that the ‘old fashioned’ approach of both sexes holding out for marriage was still the best.
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