Nazir Ahmed is a fascist coward.

Dear Nazir.

You are sworn to defent the crown and her people.

Those people can handle free speech. Well most of them. This person, who clearly had a leftist lobotomy in some polytech, cannot.

I’m saddened, but not suprised, that people have directed thier anger at you.

Unless interested parties lobby the government they will not uphold thier own laws it seems. eg. the law against inciting hatred that was blatantly designed by some not all in govt. to be aimed at Muslims, which this Dutchman clearly contravenes

Roll on the day Pope Rat attempts to enter this country and finds a big group of homosexuals and women lobbying govt. to stop him

via Nazir Ahmed: Banning Geert Wilders is in Britain’s best interests | Comment is free |

But most of us can. I understand that you following a murdering pedophile called Mohammed. I follow a man who was naled to a cross because he threatened the local petentates who were compromising their monotheism for realpolitik.

If you truly beleive this, resign your peerage, and go and live in Pakistan, “the land of the pure”. Besides, poverty may be good for what remains of your soul.

Otherwise you are a traitor and a coward. And the Brown government, who are betraying those who they ought to serve by collaborating with you,, is on borrowned time.

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